Dear Child of God,

What could make a royal city, a people that were like kings and queens, to throw that all away and dress up like beggars? What could cause a man who is very successful in business to throw it all away and become broke overnight? What would cause a woman of high standards to go and find a useless man who ends up wasting all her money? 

This is none other but the garment of poverty & lack. 

For the last four days, we’ve been dealing with the different types of evil garments that your enemy can put upon you. The garment of witchcraft, the garment of heaviness, the garment of sickness & incurable problems, and finally last night we discovered the garment of poverty & lack. 

But when the people of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai, They worked cunningly, and went pretending to be ambassadors and took [provisions and] old sacks on their donkeys and wineskins, old, torn, and mended,And old and patched shoes on their feet and wearing old garments; and all their supply of food was dry and moldy.And they went to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal and said to him and the men of Israel, We have come from a far country; so now, make a covenant with us.(Joshua 9:3-6)

After hearing about their victory at Jericho and Ai, all the surrounding nations gathered together to go and fight against Israel, but one nation who was more mightier than the rest, instead of choosing to stand and fight, decided to go and cut a covenant with them. 

But it was more than just a covenant. What they did not know is that the day they clothed themselves with those garments of poverty & lack, they were cutting a covenant with poverty itself. 

For Joshua told them, And the leaders said to them, Let them live [and be our slaves]. So they became hewers of wood and drawers of water for all the assembly, just as the leaders had said of them.Joshua called the men and said, Why did you deceive us, saying, We live very far from you, when you dwell among us?Now therefore you are cursed, and of you there shall always be slaves, hewers of wood and drawers of water for the house of my God.(Joshua 9:21-23)

Even one of the nearby kings could not believe it when he heard about it .

When Adoni-zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai and had utterly destroyed it, doing to Jericho and its king as he had done to Ai and its king, and how the residents of Gibeon had made peace with Israel and were among them,He feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great city, like one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty.(Joshua 10:1-2)

This was a powerful city, filled with mighty men. The Bible calls it a great city. But out of foolishness, because of the advice of one man, a great, mighty and prosperous people became slaves for the rest of their lives. Somebody told them to take off their rich robes and put on rich robes of poverty, after that their children’s children became slaves forever. Royal people became wood cutters and carriers of water. Overnight a royal people became nobodies. 


Child of God, just like there are royal garments in the Bible that represent honor and dignity, there are also evil garments. Yes, there are people assigned by the enemy to strip you of your garments and cover you with an evil garment of shame & poverty. 

Lately my people have risen up like an enemy. You strip off the rich robe from those who pass by without a care, like men returning from battle. (Micah 2:8)

But today I declare, anyone who wants to strip off your garment, let them die by fire. Anyone trying to bring poverty and lack into your life, God will send it back; they will never be free from that poverty; they will never be free from that lack. 

I saw in my spirit the enemy has been targeting you with this garment. You are destined to wear a royal robe of riches, but somebody has been assigned to strip that from you. Yes someone has been using the spirit of witchcraft to trick and deceive you into giving them your money. Not because they need it Child of God, but so that they can use it against you in order to cut a covenant of poverty and lack in your life. 

Do you know how many cases I deal with where women who were well off are suddenly approached by men on the internet promising their love to them, promising to marry them etc. but meanwhile scamming them out of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Afterwards, when the person realises how they have been swindled, it’s like a veil is torn from their eyes and they realise what really happened. It’s because there are people using the spirit of witchcraft to cover them with a garment of poverty; taking away all their wealth, all their honour. 

But today I declare that anyone that is trying to bring a garment of poverty and lack on your way, any Gibeonite on his way, we bind them and we command them to die by fire!

Yes I see a promotion coming on your way. After this garment of poverty & lack is brought down, I see a new garment coming upon you. It is a garment of prosperity, a garment of favor, a garment of breakthrough. Yes just like Mordechai, I see a new garment which is going to usher you into the next season that God has for you. Every evil that your enemy intended for you, I see God putting them all to shame. 

On that day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the Jews’ enemy, to Queen Esther. And Mordecai came before the king, for Esther had told what he was to her. And the king took off his [signet] ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman. And Mordecai went forth from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, with a great crown of gold and with a robe of fine linen and purple; and the city of Shushan shouted and rejoiced. (Esther 8:1-2,15)

Right now I need you to send me your list of all the areas where you have been experiencing poverty and lack. Write all the areas in which you were doing well until a certain person came into your life. As I print off your prayer request and lay it on the Jericho Walls Table, any demonic garment of poverty & lack that has been assigned to steal your wealth, your honor, and your destiny, it’s going to die by fire. Remember on the 7thday after the priests and I walk around the Walls 7 times, I am going to throw it all in the fire for the final Destruction! 

As you do that, remember to sow your seed of faith according to the number 7. This week the Lord spoke to me that we must continue to give every day according to the number 49 (7 x 7) for Divine Completion. Whatever issues you have been facing, as they go on that table, they are going to come down completely in Jesus name. You can also give willingly as you can afford, so long that it includes the number 7.

I’ve also included for you below “17 Powerful Prayers Against Every Garment of Poverty & Lack!” You Must Pray Daily & Connect With Me Each Evening @8PM UK Time on or



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(Scripture: Esther 6:1-14 & Joshua 9:1-27) 

(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life) 


1. l take authority over all the principalities, against every ruler, against all powers of darkness and every spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan the blood of Jesus is against you. I bind you; l break its powers; I command you to die by fire 

2. I take authority over every garment of poverty and lack that I have inherited from my father’s house/from my mother’s house; I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I remove you; I command you to die by fire. 

3. I take authority over every garment of poverty and lack that has been put over my children; I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I remove you; I command you to die by fire. 

4. I take authority over every garment of poverty and lack that has been assigned over my finances/career/business and home; I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I remove you; I command you to die by fire. 

5. Any foundation of poverty and lack that was laid by my ancestors; I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I uproot you; I command you to die by fire. 

6. Any Gibeonite that is on its way to bring a garment of poverty and lack; I command them to die by fire. 

7. Anyone who is trying to clothe my spouse/partner with a garment of poverty and lack over their life, I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

8. Any Gibeonite that wants to trick me to lose my prosperity, I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

9. Every garment of poverty and lack with long legs in my life, I cut it off, die by fire. 

10. Every garment of poverty and lack that has been pronounced upon my life through my dreams, I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

11. Every garment of poverty and lack that has been causing failure and frustration in my life, I command you to die by fire.  

12. Every demonic garment who wants to put my finances to sleep, I command to die by fire. 

13. Every Gibeonite that has been assigned to deceive me out of my destiny, I bind you; I rebuke you; I break your powers; I command you to die by fire. 

14. Any Gibeonite who has been clothing my family members with garments of poverty and lack, I break your powers; I remove you; I command you to die by fire. 

15. I decree and declare every garment of poverty and lack, turn into my promotion in the name of Jesus. 

16. I decree and declare every garment of poverty and lack, turn into wealth in the name of Jesus.  

17. I decree and declare I am wearing my royal robe, in the name of Jesus. 



Every Wall of Impossibility Must Come Down! Join Me Prophet Climate for 7 Days of Power, 7 Days of Breakthrough, 7 Days of Miracles, 7 Days of Wonders, & 7 Days of Tremendous Growth. Mark the Date & Get Ready for 7 Instructions that will unlock 7 Uncommon Blessings In Your Life! 

jerich 2020


Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

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