Dear Child of God,

Have you been going through the same old situation for years, in spite of all your efforts, in spite of every prayer, nothing seems to be changing? Does it feel like sometimes it’s as though you can’t even put your finger on the real issue because every time you try and solve it it seems like something else goes wrong? 

Child of God, for the last three days we’ve been dealing with demonic garments. But did you know there is a garment of sickness and disease?

You see when your finances are diseased, or your relationship is diseased, you can pray for breakthrough and do everything that seems right, but nothing will change. Because a disease must be cured. A sickness must be healed. You see it’s not just your body that can become sick. Your enemy can cover your relationships or your business or your career with a garment of sickness and suddenly you begin to experience problem after problem, rejection after rejection. 

When there’s a sickness or disease in your business, or in your relationships, everything will look okay on the outside, but when it comes to results, everything is different. This is what an evil garment can do. 

Hundreds of years after Joshua conquered Jericho, the city was rebuilt and inhabited. But there was a problem. 

And the men of the city said to Elisha, Behold, inhabiting of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees, but the water is bad and the locality cause miscarriage and barrenness [in all animals].  He said, Bring me a new bowl and put salt [the symbol of God’s purifying power] in it. And they brought it to him.Then Elisha went to the spring of the waters and cast the salt in it and said, Thus says the Lord: I [not the salt] have healed these waters; there shall not be any more death, miscarriage or barrenness [and bereavement] because of it.(2 Kings 2:19-21)

Remember this was where the garment of Shinar was. That’s what happens when they bring an evil garment against you. it brought a curse that lasted for over 470 years. 

Child of God when your relationship is diseased, you will try your best to put things in order but it will never work out. If your career is diseased, despite your qualifications and hard work, you’re unable to keep a job. Something is always uprooting you, causing you to miscarry. If you find yourself in constant problems day in and day out, it could be that someone has covered you with a garment of sickness and disease. This is what happens when your enemy wants to torment you with confusion, never being able to find a solution, because you are focusing on the wrong thing! 

This garment of sickness it doesn’t just affect bodies, it can affect marriages, careers, businesses, finances, homes, etc. 


Child of God, when there is a garment of sickness laid upon your home, you find there is no peace. Things are always breaking down, there is just chaos everywhere. 

I remember one lady who came to me with her problem. Everytime when she would leave her house she would be fine, but the moment she would get home, it’s like something began to torment her. She just wanted to run away, she wanted to commit suicide. But after we prayed, God exposed her enemy and she found one woman had been coming to her house every Tuesday, in the early hours, and putting something on her doorstep. You see her enemy was covering her home with sickness and disease so that as long as she lived there, her life couldn’t move on. 

He shall examine the disease, and if it is in the walls of the house with depressed spots of dark green or dark red appearing beneath [the surface of] the wall,Then the priest shall go out of the door and shut up the house seven days.This is the law for all kinds of leprous diseases, and mangelike conditions,For the leprosy of a garment or of a house (Leviticus 14:37-38, 54-55)

You see a garment can be sick. A house can be sick. But I declare today over your life that anyone who is busy trying to cover you with a garment of sickness and disease, I command them to die by fire! 

Right now I need you to send me your list of all the areas where you have been experiencing sickness and disease. Not just in your body or health, but areas where you realise that no matter what you try to do, it’s like you are facing an incurable problem, an incurable disease. As I print off your prayer request and lay it on the Jericho Walls Table, any demonic garment of sickness and disease that has been assigned to steal your health, to steal your finances, to steal your joy, it’s going to die by fire. Remember on the 7thday after the priests and I walk around the Walls 7 times, I am going to throw it all in the fire for the final Destruction! 

As you do that, remember to sow your seed of faith according to the number 7. This week the Lord spoke to me that we must continue to give every day according to the number 49 (7 x 7) for Divine Completion. Whatever issues you have been facing, as they go on that table, they are going to come down completely in Jesus name. You can also give willingly as you can afford, so long that it includes the number 7.

I’ve also included for you below “22 Powerful Prayers Against Every Garment of Sickness & Disease!” You Must Pray Daily & Connect With Me Each Evening @8PM UK Time on or



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1. I take authority over all the powers, every principality, every ruler and every evil spirit in high places. Satan the blood of Jesus is against you. I bind you, I rebuke you, I command you to die by fire! 

2. Every powers that want to terminate my life through sickness or disease, I am not your candidate, go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus. 

3. Right now I nullify every garment of sickness and infirmity in my body in the name of Jesus 

4. Any demonic garment of sickness and disease on assignment to steal my health, receive frustration in the name of Jesus. 

5. Every garment of sickness and disease that has been planted in my home and in my life to bring long-term illness, die by fire. 

6. By fire, by force, I remove every garment of sickness and disease out of my life and I declare I am healed in the name of Jesus. 

7. I fire back every arrow of sickness flowing in my blood stream, in the name of Jesus. 

8. I reject every garment of sickness and its manipulation in my life, in Jesus name. 

9. Any garment of sickness or disease that wants to bring separation between me and God, I cast you out in the name of Jesus. 

10. You garment of sickness, disease………(Call the names), you have no power over me, so therefore, be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 

11. Any garment of sickness and disease that says no drugs or medication shall restore my health, dry up by fire in the name of Jesus. 

12. Lord deliver me from any kinds of strange garments of disease or infection in the name of Jesus. 

13. My health, hear the word of the Lord, be restored back in the name of Jesus. 

14. I challenge my body with the healing fire of God, in the name of Jesus 

15. Any Ancestral garments with powers appearing in my dream to arrest my health, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus. 

16. Any garment of sickness and disease that is swallowing my health, vomit them in the name of Jesus. 

17. Every garment of sickness and disease that is causing spiritual sickness, receive termination in the name of Jesus. 

18. Every garment of sickness and disease that is causing incurable problems in my relationship, I command you to die by fire!

19. Every garment of sickness and disease that is causing incurable problems in my finances, I command you to die by fire!

20. Every garment of sickness and disease that is causing incurable problems in my career, I command you to die by fire!

21. Every garment of sickness and disease that is causing incurable problems in my home, I command you to die by fire!

22. Every Achan that has been trying to cover my life with a garment of sickness and disease, I command you to be exposed in the name of Jesus.  evil hand that wants to put a garment of sickness and disease in my body, dry up and wither, in the name of Jesus. 





Every Wall of Impossibility Must Come Down! Join Me Prophet Climate for 7 Days of Power, 7 Days of Breakthrough, 7 Days of Miracles, 7 Days of Wonders, & 7 Days of Tremendous Growth. Mark the Date & Get Ready for 7 Instructions that will unlock 7 Uncommon Blessings In Your Life! 

jerich 2020


Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

2 thoughts on “Day 4 Of Bringing Down Jericho Walls – I Saw This Garment Was Planted … And Is Causing Incurable Problems In Your Life”


    I thank God so much for this conference. Am Delivered in the Name of Jesus. All my good dreams have to come to pass in the name of Jesus. “Amen”

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