Daily Devotional

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Dear Child of God,
spacerI hope you are doing well today and that you were able to join me yesterday for our LIVE Broadcast of the Fire Service in London. If you sent in your prayer request I want you to know that I printed it off and threw it into the fire on your behalf. Child of God, expect every stronghold of fear to be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 
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Over the last few days I’ve been sharing with you an email about something the Lord put on my heart, about how the spirit of fear has really been grappling the souls of many saints lately. Not only is the virus itself killing many, but many others have been taking their own lives because of fear. 
It’s easy to understand how frightening it can be, especially when you don’t know God. 
But even for many of us who do believe in God or go to church on Sundays, we still lack a proper understanding of who God really is and this is what results into a lot of the fear and uncertainty we can feel at times. You see when we don’t know or understand the character of God, it can be so easy to be swayed by our circumstances. We feel good when things are good, we feel bad when things are bad. But when we come to know God, the One that never changes, we can have confidence in the face of frightening situations, knowing that He who called you will never leave you or forsake you. 
The coronavirus pandemic shocked the world, but it was not a surprise to God. And in spite of everything that’s happening, God has not changed the plans He has for you. Despite people around us dying everyday, God is still on your side. Despite all of the uncertainties, He still holds you in the palm of His hand. 
When the time is ready, in a moment, this pandemic will be swept away. But where will you be left standing? Will you be worse or better off than before? Will your faith be stronger or weaker? Right now you might be feeling burdened by all that is going on around you. Maybe one or more areas of your life is being affected. But God is still the same. And as you learn to lean on Him, you can begin to cast all your cares and burdens at his feet, knowing that He cares for you. 
Today child of God, I want to share a special teaching with you that will encourage you to get to know God better. When you know the Hand that holds you, nothing will make your heart fear. You can be confident, knowing that He is always on your side, and He will never stop working all things for your good. Yes you can get this teaching right now to listen to. All you need to do is click on the link below to go and download it for FREE. 
Experience Gods Presence In Full MP3 scaled
(This Free Audio Teaching is Part of the 4-Part Audio Series “How To Fellowship With God”)

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Praying for your Success,

Prophet Climate
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