Dear Child of God,
We have been speaking about the favour of the Lord. But you ask me, what really is favour? Is favour an atmosphere? Is it a feeling? Is it a power? Is it a result? And how does it work?Â
The very first time we see the word favour in the Bible is in Genesis 6:8Â
But Noah found grace (favour) in the eyes of the Lord.Â
There are three things I want us to look at in this scripture. Theology teaches us that the first time a word appears in the Bible, it is the most significant, and lays the foundation for the rest of the occurrences throughout the Bible.Â
The word Noah means to rest (or to cease from struggle).Â
Many people struggle in life because they are off of their assigned path. God has assigned three different paths to favour. It could be either a person, a place or a cause. For example, Joseph was assigned to Pharoah. As long as he assisted and supported Pharoah, his destiny was fulfilled. The same thing happened with Joshua and Moses. Elijah however, his favour was assigned to a specific place. God would direct him to one place after another, and only in those places would his favour flow. David for example, was assigned to a cause. To be the shepherd of Israel and lead them back to the Lord. Moses also was assigned to a cause. None of these men could have fulfilled their purpose in life, none would have stayed under the covering, under the protection, and within the shield of favour of God, if they moved outside their assigned path.Â
But many, many people struggle in life because they are off of their assigned path. Maybe God has assigned them to a specific person, but they are intent on going their own way, on doing their own thing, on building their own vision. You might have desires and dreams in your heart, but as long as you are assigned to a person, you must wait until that person departs from your path.Â
We don’t find favour in life because we struggle, we contend, we resist, with God’s plan. But rest leads to favour. When you are able to come to that place where you accept the will of God for your life, stop fighting Him, and submit to His assigned path for your life, that is when you will walk in His favour.Â
Another thing I want us we look at is this. Where did Noah find favour?Â
But Noah found grace (favour)Â in the eyes of the Lord.
Anytime you see the eyes of the Lord in the Bible, realise that angels are involved. God uses His angels to fight battles, He uses His angels to deliver messages, and He uses angels to deliver favour.Â
As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the cherubim faced; the wheels did not turn about as the cherubim went. The cherubim went in whatever direction the head faced, without turning as they went. Their entire bodies, including their backs, their hands and their wings, were completely full of eyes, as were their four wheels. (Ezekiel 10:11-12)
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)
Every time you see the word favour in the Bible, it is always surrounded by angelic activity.Â
When the angel saved Hagar and her son, when the angel led Abraham servant to find a wife for his son, when the angel led the children of Israel away from Egypt and through to the Promise Land, angels were always involved. Favour is angelic activity.Â
Child of God, favour is a group of angels that will go ahead of you to prepare the way. They will protect you; they will speak on your behalf to the minds of others. They will walk around you, speaking to those around you, telling them to help you, to guide you, to favour you.Â
That is why God says He surrounds us with favour (Psalms 5:12) and the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him (Psalms 34:7)Â
So are you ready to discover your own assigned path to favour? Maybe you have been struggling to find out what it is, or fighting against what God has already been showing you, but I want you to know once and for all so that you can begin to walk along that path and enjoy the favour of God for your own life.Â
You’ll find more about this in my book “Your Path To Favourâ€, a special book I wrote for you on the three paths to favour so that you can discover what they are and find your own path to favour. But also, the Lord instructed me to prepare a special Oil of Destiny, the same oil we use every month to anoint our feet during the Miracle Anointing of Feet Service. As you use this oil, I am believing God that He going to make it clear for you exactly what is your path to favour, so that you can find it and begin to walk in it.
The BIble tells us in Psalms 85:12-13 The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps. (Psalms 85:12-13)
and in Psalms 5:12 that Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
Child of God, when you sow your special seed of £85 or £51.20, I’m going to send you a copy of my book “Your Path To Favor” along with the Oil of Destiny for you to use to anoint yourself for 7 days, for God to reveal your assigned path of favour. Once you find it, you will begin to experience and walk in the blessings of Psalms 85 and Psalms 51. The Lord shall give you what is good, and your land will yield its harvest. He will surround you with favor as a shield!Â
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