Dear Child of God,
As we are coming to the end of this month, I want to remind you of the prophetic word “God Will Locate Youâ€.
Yesterday one woman gave a powerful testimony about how she has struggled since coming to this country. And I told her that God was going to locate her. I told her to go out on the street outside the church and look for money, and that she should not come back to this church if she doesn’t find any. (In short, if my words fall short then she should not trust me or this church). I also told her that once she finds that money, her life will change. She said as soon as she stepped outside, her eyes became blurry and she could not see properly. She began to make her way along the street. She wanted to go to the shops because she was sure she would have a better chance of finding money there, but she remembered what I told her, that she should only go out on the street. She walked up and down but couldn’t find anything. Then she sat down and began to cry to the Lord. She asked God to locate her. Let her find money according to the Prophetic word of the Lord. Suddenly her eyes begin to clear, she stood up and took two steps, and there on the ground in front of her was money. She came back to testify.
I declare, just like this woman, the Lord will locate you. And when He locates you, He will grant you favour. Yes, when the Lord locates you, suddenly you begin to experience the grace, the ability to receive what you don’t even deserve.
The Bible tells us in Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
There were many others in his time, but Noah is the one that found favour. God said Noah we will choose. Noah we will save. Noah will be the one to produce the next generation.
Child of God, when God locates you, you find favour. And what is favour? Favour is a shortcut to your miracle. So, what should have taken you twenty years, when God locates you and grants you favour, it takes only 2 hours.
I know you have suffered long enough; you have gone through situations that have tried you to the core. But your faith and steadfastness has gotten God’s attention. This week, God is about to locate you. I prophesy into your life, that even when others are up for promotion, your name will always stick on the top.
As your prophet, I have already seen in the realm of the spirit, that your day is coming. Your date with destiny is coming. Your date with favour is coming. Your date with success is coming. Your date with miracles is coming. So, when you hear others receiving their favour, don’t be frustrated. But celebrate with them. For tomorrow your day is coming. Begin to praise the Lord, say tomorrow is my turn. My season is coming.
The Bible tells us BUT Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The entire human race was going to hell in a handbag, BUT Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Every man and woman under heaven was full of evil, BUT Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. There were millions of people walking the earth in that day, BUT Noah found favour.
What is it that will make God to locate a man? It is the word but.
You have may have failed many times, BUT you will rise up again. God is going to locate you.
Noah was not a man who compared himself with others. He was building an ark when everyone was busy with their lives. Many probably laughed at him, thinking he was crazy. The other day I was reading a scientific article how they had officially confirmed the finds of the ark in Turkey. And they were saying that based on the shape of the ark it was impossible for it to float. However, we know that it did indeed float. I thought it was so interesting for them to make that point. Something like Titanic, which according to engineers was actually impossible to sink, and yet we all know what happened.
What am I trying to say? When God grants you favour, it doesn’t matter what things may look like in the physical, you are guaranteed to come with a good result.Â
But without favour, nothing is guaranteed. How many times have I seen men who are very handsome, and with good character, yet they are unable to find a good woman. I’ve seen people with a string of degrees, who even passed with distinction, but they can’t find a single job. Yet others who have never been to school are earning more than someone with a Master’s Degree. Others who are not naturally beautiful, yet are happily married with families.
That is why you need favour. When you have a degree or a diploma, the favour of God will put value on that diploma. If you are a naturally beautiful man or woman, favour will enhance what you have and make it shine. If you are a hard-working person, favour will quicken things and cause the right people to notice you. You see, favour not only puts value, but it quickens. That’s why David says, in the book of Psalms 5:12 you have surrounded me with favour as a shield.Â
This month, God will locate you.
Child of God, did you know there are three paths to favour? Throughout the Bible, we see great men and women, from Abraham to Moses to Elijah to David, all had specific paths to favour. As long as they travelled along those paths, they found the favour of God. But when they got outside of those paths, everything turned to chaos and misery. It is the same for us today. As believers, if you are going to walk in the favour of God, you must be able to discern what is the path of your favour. But sometimes, just like that woman whose testimony I shared above, the enemy can try to blind you, to stop you from seeing your path to favour, so that you continue to walk a life of struggle.
I have written a book on the three paths to favour so that you can discover what they are and find your own path to favour. But also, the Lord instructed me to prepare a special Oil of Destiny, the same oil we use every month to anoint our feet during the Miracle Anointing of Feet Service. As you use this oil, I am believing God that He going to make it clear for you exactly what is your path to favour, so that you can find it and begin to walk in it.
The BIble tells us in Psalms 85:12-13Â The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before him and prepares the way for his steps. (Psalms 85:12-13)
and in Psalms 5:12 that Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.
Child of God, when you sow your special seed of £85 or £51.20, I’m going to send you a copy of my book “Your Path To Favor” along with the Oil of Destiny for you to use to anoint yourself for 7 days, for God to reveal your assigned path of favour. Once you find it, you will begin to experience and walk in the blessings of Psalms 85 and Psalms 51. The Lord shall give you what is good, and your land will yield its harvest. He will surround you with favor as a shield!Â
CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA)
1 thought on “Is This Why You Haven’t Been Experiencing Favour? Click Now For Your Journey To Favor To Begin!”
May the Lord hear my prayers