Dear Child of God,

Chid of God, this weekend after we finished the Powerful Feast of Tabernacles, God spoke to me very clearly and gave me a word for you. 

You see many times you have worked so hard on things, put all your heart and effort into, put all your tears and sweat, all your sacrifice, but at the end of the day, something will happen and it dies. 

But today I came to declare to you, though it may die, it will never get go to the grave. Before it gets to the grave, Jesus is about to resurrect it. 

And it came to pass the day after, that He went into a city called Nain; and many of His disciples went with Him, and many people. Now when He came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And many people of the city were with her.And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said unto her, “Weep not.”And He came and touched the bier, and those who bore him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say unto thee, arise.”And he that was dead sat up and began to speak. And He delivered him to his mother.(Luke 7:11-15)

The Bible tells us this man was the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. She wasn’t going to have any more children; her entire future banked on this young man. All her investments were into this son. And now he was dead. But on the way to be buried, before he could get to the grave, Jesus showed up. 

God has sent me to let you know what carries your future, it will never be buried. Even if it dies, Jesus will resurrect it. 

Today you are going to sign a covenant with God that no matter what happens in your life, no matter what kind of problem you are facing, it will not go to the grave. Once something is in the grave, it’s over. But there is always hope before it gets to the grave.

Right now, in the realm of the spirit, I am setting up a perimeter in your life. I declare your life will not go to the grave. Your relationship will not go to the grave. Your career will not go the grave. Your business will not go to the grave. Your destiny will not go to the grave. Yes Right now Jehovah God is about to show up at the gates of your favour. 

The Bible says that Jesus met the dead man at the gate to the city. Every one of us have a gate, and that is where the enemy will wait. But I decree that wherever your enemy is waiting for you, that’s where Jesus is going to show up. 

Jesus had to come all the way to that city for only one reason; to raise up that widow’s son. He had no other agenda. And many of his disciples were with Him. 

I see God is about to show up at your gate and He’s not coming alone. He’s coming with financial deliverers. He’s coming with career deliverers. He’s coming with house deliverers. Yes when Jesus met the woman at the gate, she was there with many people from the city. But Jesus also came with many people. One was coming with a crowd that was mourning and crying. Another was coming with a crowd full of faith, joy and miracles. In short, no matter how big the problem is, God is going to sort it out. 

Something great is about to happen at your gate. Yes, after today, you are about to enter into a covenant with God for everything to be sorted out. Your problem is going to be sorted out. Whatever it is, consider it sorted out. 

Remember God is not a respecter of persons but he is a respecter of faith. 

As you begin to declare, I see the angel of the Lord showing up. No matter what happens it will not go to the grave. No matter what you hear, no matter what they say, it will not go to the grave. 

Your health, your finances, your familiy, your destiny, your calling, it will not go to the grave. 


You will never be worried again. After today you are going to settle it with God. No matter what bad news you hear, I know a Covenant Keeper. It will not go to the grave. And if it cannot get to the grave then there is a chance of resurrection.

Today your faith is about to join the faith of Abraham, where you are going to say God from today I will never worry again. Today, this day, my heart , my mind, my spirit is going to be settled. Today you are about to settle something once and for all. There is a covenant working God. You are about to settle a matter, you and God. Lord this situation it will never get to the grave. You are about to get so determined; that even when things get worse, Jesus will always show up at your gate. When everybody else has given up, He will show up on your gate. There will be a miracle on your gate. 

Right now I have some special instructions that you must follow: 

1. Click On The Link Below to Sow Your Covenant Seed. You must sow your seed of a 24-Hour Miracle Covenant Seed. Many of you are going to go one step further and give a double portion of £48. THIS YOU MUST DO IMMEDIATELY ONLINE.

2. Once you do that, you will receive a special agreement letter via e-mail. I have also attached a copy to this email just incase. You must print it off at home, fill it out and then mail me the original copy. (If you cannot send physical mail, you can email it to admin@bishopclimate.org but you must include your receipt of your covenant seed in order for it to be printed off). 

3. You must send it to me at this address: 

C/O Covenant-Keeping God

Bishop Climate Ministries

93 Camberwell Station Road

London, SE5 9JJ

England, UK


4. You must get a proof of postage for a receipt, if possible send it with tracked mail so you know it has arrived safely. 

5. Once I receive it, the Lord has instructed me that I must seal it here on the altar as a lasting memorial between you and God. 

As you fill and sign this letter, may it be a reminder that God is a covenant-keeping God. From the beginning of time, He has been making covenants with His people. And today He wants to make one with you. As you sign this letter, whatever it is that is important to you, whatever it is that has been under attack by the enemy, whatever is necessary for your success, it will not go to the grave. There will always be a miracle at your gate. 



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 Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.  

*** YOU CAN NOW GIVE THROUGH CASH APP ID  £prophetclimate or £bishopclimate

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest LLOYDS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministries


SORT CODE: 30-91-91


IBAN: GB24LOYD30919132472768




Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Jennifer Lanyero, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK 

(This is my personal assistant. Due to my schedule; she will collect your donation on my behalf)


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Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

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