Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child Of God, 

Following God with reckless abandon isn’t always easy or comfortable. In fact, sometimes it’s downright tough! The issue isn’t how many miracles you’ll experience or what kind of trials you’ll encounter. The issue always remains total obedience.

It’s easy to obey God when miracles are happening! When it’s cool to belong to the Bible club on campus or when people compliment you for carrying your Bible and quoting scriptures, it doesn’t take much effort to call yourself a Christian. But when people are making fun of you or spreading false rumors about you, it’s not cool anymore, is it?

It even gets tougher when you are going through situation for the sake of the gospel and yet religious people seeing it as punishments from bad things you may have done. I want you to know that I know how it feels ……

Because of Elisha’s obedience, God did many miracles through him. But Elisha’s obedience remained strong through the tough times as well. Often it’s after we’ve experienced a spiritual “mountaintop” high that we encounter a spiritual “low valley.” After healing the undrinkable waters of Jericho (high moment), Elisha was mocked and made fun of because of his baldness (low moment). Did Elisha’s faith teeter during this low time? Not at all! He had learned that the God he served was not only King of the mountain but also Lord of the valley.

Elisha had just left Jericho and was headed toward Bethel. On his way, a gang of young men began verbally assaulting him. Though they laughed at his baldness, they were also mocking the fact that he was a false prophet of God. 

There will be times you’ll be mocked for your faith. Chances are high that if you participated at the annual “See You at the Pole” event on your school campus this past September, you received some teasing. When you walk through the valley of difficulty, don’t allow your faith to falter. Keep your eyes focused intently on obedience to your Master.

Following Christ with reckless abandon requires great cost and sacrifice. That’s why Jesus never pulled any punches when he talked with those who followed him. He let them know the cost would be high.

Today I am praying for you. I see the favour the glory that you are about to experience in your life is far much more greater and rewarding and cannot be compared with with issues that you have been going through. 
See You This Sunday : 


 At 9AM Is Push Prayers. God Must Answer Your Prayers.

At 11:30am It’s Morning Super Sunday * * Learn How To Walk In The Unlimited Favour Of God * *

At 3:30pm Its Prophet Anointing Miracle Service Bring your point of contact, photos, letters, Invite Friends & Family. Bring your prayer requests* .

AT @10AM it’s Prophetic Hours – Meet The Mighty Prophet Face To Face No Appointment Needed BE Here In Person at

MEGA TKC Miracles House 93 Camberwell Station Road SE5 9JJ. UK

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