Dear Child of God,
The Bible tells us about a General of the Syrian Army whose name was Naaman. He was a great leader, but his life was marked with shame and disgrace as a result of his leprosy. I see many of you are carrying a spiritual leprosy. There is something that in spite of all your achievements and your potential in life, there is always something trying to undermine you by bringing shame and disgrace. It could be in your family, in your body, in your finances, in your career, but this spirit is just there to be able to bring shame and disgrace so that you never truly enjoy what God has for you.
Today as I was praying for you, God showed me that as I dip your whole picture in the Miracle Pool this Sunday every spirit of leprosy is going to be washed away. You must send me a picture not just of your face but of your whole body. Yes He has commanded me to dip it 7 times just like Naaman, and every spiritual leprosy, every spirit of shame and disgrace is going to leave your life. Yes every negative situation, every negative circumstance that has been mocking you, that has been stealing your joy and peace, that has been depriving you of your ability to enjoy your life, to enjoy your marriage, to enjoy your children, to enjoy your career, today it shall be cleansed from you in Jesus name!
Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy (2 Kings 5:1)
I see the devil has attached a “but” to the end of your story. She has a good career but….. She has a good home but ….. He has a good marriage but ….. There is always something contrary, there is always something hindering you from having total wholeness. But today it shall be cleansed from you!
Something incredible is about to happened this Sunday, Yes As i dip your picture 7 times I see total restoration in your finances, In your family , over your health. I see God taking away every shame and disgrace that has plagued your life. But obedience is the key . Thats why just like Naaman your cooperation in this matter will unlock the greatest breakthrough ever. I see you commanding special respect and favour. Actually the things that you desired will become your right. I see God granting special favour that will overtake all those who started ahead of you . Get ready just like Naaman your season has come . The Word Of God is waiting for you Today .
So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy. ( 2 Kings 5:14)
You must send me your prayer request again. AND MAKE SURE YOU PICTURE IS OF YOUR WHOLE BODY, NOT JUST YOUR FACE. Remember every week represents a different anointing. Today you must be washed from every spiritual leprosy, from every demonic mark that has associated you with shame and disgrace, from every demonic hinderance which prevents you from having a total wholeness, a total peace, a total joy. Today you must be cleansed in Jesus name!
CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA) or for Whatsaap +44 7404 717113
Have you send Your Photo yet To Be Put On The Sanctuary !!! I… *THIS SUNDAY !!!! It’s Double! Double! ANOINTING OF GREAT MIRACLE SERVICE & THE MIRACLE POOL* – This Sunday At 9AM, 11AM & 6PM I SEE POWERFUL TESTIMONIES COMING TO YOU.
Get ready to experience Something Supernatural As I Wave And Dip Them, I Saw The Angel Of The Lord Representing You *Connect via Facebook, periscope, youtube share with friends let’s spread the word*…. . *Be The First To Submit Your Prayer Request. Your Season Of Miracles Is Here* ……
The Miracle Pool Is Open ! Watch It Live on Or *You can Drive Through and Drop Your Prayers list , and your Offering at TKC Drive Through open 1 hour before every service from Dropping ONLY* …or Or Call Now + 44 20 7738 3668 or +1 347 708 1449 *Pls help to spread the word share into your groups and with friends God will bless you*
Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.
Yours In Prophecy,
Prophet Climate
1 thought on “God has Commanded Me To Dip Your Picture 7 Times Today…. Click Here To Submit Your Prayer Request”
Thank you for me and family to be wash away the spirit of shame and disgrace to be removed and all envy and jealousy and all the spirits that were sent to destroy me and family to be removed and destroyed to remove all wealness and god to restore our faith and rongive us strong with good will power and to have enegy to do the things we need to do. For my ex boyfriend Eric Lamar Mosley for him to call me and remove all betrayal he did against me.