Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,

I thank God for your life. Like what I spoke to you yesterday, your set time has come. Today I received a testimony about a lady who had been believing God for a financial breakthrough. And today by 6pm Jerusalem time, she had received that miracle.?

Now God has blessed her so much. She even sent a gift for me while in the Holy Land. Today I declare into your life, that the favor of God will begin to manifest where your life is concerned.?

Yesterday, I told you how the spirit of God led us in Petra. And how we discovered where the wisemen came from. Today the same thing has happened, even much more better.

We have experienced the power, the favor of God like never before.?

Where will I begin? Let me begin from Petra.?

As we were leaving Petra, our guide was led by God to bring us to the spring of Moses. And I asked myself a question, what is this spring? Only to realise, that it is the same spring that began when Moses struck a rock out of anger. Yet God had instructed him to speak to the rock.?

Today while I was there, I asked God to forgive you for any anger; to forgive you for anything that you have done out of anger. But also, when I went inside where that spring is, the water was so fresh and the Lord reminded me that out of that rock, He caused water to come forth and bring life. Today I prophesy into your life; may your career, may your business, may your relationship, may your children, may your destiny, bring forth life. May it bring forth healing, may it bring forth prosperity, may it bring forth success, may it bring forth miracles.?

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As we were driving towards Israel, when we got to the border, one of the sons of the prophets came to me and put an offering in my hand; believing God that as he crosses Jordan he will never return back to Egypt. And immediately there by there, the miracle began to happen. We went through 8 check points within a space of 50 metres. And by the grace of God, suddenly he found favor with the Israeli border security officers. I saw with my own eyes, the doors were swinging open. When other people tried they were being held back. The seed, the offering he gave, already gave him favor. As we stepped out, we met our new tour guide, and he pulled me aside, and he said please Bishop, I want to ask you for a favor. I know we are supposed to go to Jericho on Thursday, but please can we go now??

Little did he know, that it was not him, but it was the offering that the son of the prophet had sown. Now God had taken control. We were supposed to cross the border and come straight away to Jerusalem. But what happened? We took the same way, I said the same way, that the children of Israel took. And straight away, after crossing Jordan, we went straight to the city of Jericho.

Before we got to Jericho, the tour guide told us that we were supposed to use the cable cars to watch Jericho on top. I said no, we want to go to the city of Elijah, to Elisha Springs. He said he couldn’t go there because he’s an Israeli and he is not allowed. He said he would have to get out and we continue with the driver; he said fine.?

You know why? I had your prayer request with me, i needed to take it to Jericho either by thunder or by force.?

Our tour guide said he did not know much about Jericho but as we went there we were led by the spirit of God to take a corner. Then he stood to ask if anyone knows where Elisha Springs is. To my surprise, we were shocked. Out of nowhere a man appeared and he says he is the custodian of the original Elisha springs.

Then he went out to the spring and threw?the salt into it, saying, ?This is what the?Lord?says: ?I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive.’??And the water has remained pure?to this day, according to the word Elisha had spoken.?(2 Kings 2:21-22)

For thousands of years it has been there; the guy opened it up for us and we saw the source of all the water of Jericho. What we thought was the spring before was not. This time we ended up in the original one. Yes, the original one is still there.

I was so happy. I went in there, we prayed and I prophesied. I even took some of the water, believing God that whosoever will read this mail, that Jehovah God will heal them. That they shall no longer be barren anymore. They shall no longer miscarry, they shall no longer experience death in any form.

Right now, I need you to pray this prayer:

Jehovah God, as I hear this message, my prophet has been to the spring of Jericho. I believe as he stood there in that water, he represented me. Now Jehovah God, heal me just like the way you healed the waters of Jericho. That as from today, I shall no longer be barren anymore. I shall no longer be unproductive anymore. I shall no longer miscarry anymore. I shall no longer experience death in my life; I shall no longer experience death in my finances; I shall no longer experience death in my career anymore. In Jesus name.?

If you have prayed that prayer, I need you to do something. I want you to build God an altar right now according to your age. It’s very important because tomorrow I will be in Bethlehem in the field of Boaz. I will be in the field of the shepherds where the angels declared the good news to the shepherds. I will be in the field of David where David received the good news that there was a prophet waiting for him to anoint him as the king of Israel. Today as your prophet, I am waiting to hear from you so I can be able to take your prayer request to the same place. Within the next 7 hours I must print your prayer request. As your prophet, I declare that when I get to those fields of good news, good news will begin to flow into your life. Every area of your life, actually get yourself ready, God is about to speak to you through your stars, through your dreams, through your career, so right now do those things now.

As soon as I receive your seed according to your age and your prayer request, I will print them early in the morning and present them in those fields. The field of Good News. The same field where three type of good news happened. Where Ruth met her future husband. Where the shepherds received the good news. And where David received the news that changed his life. As I step in that field, with your offering, with your seed, I declare that your destiny is going to change for good, for better, and for greatness. Actually, your life will never be the same again in Jesus’ name.



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Remember you can give with your?card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.?

You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am – No Appointment needed.

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry Ltd


SORT CODE: 20-54-25

IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223





Climate Wiseman, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK




Yours In Prophecy,

Prophet Climate

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