Dear Child of God,
I pray that as you read this mail, that hope is beginning to arise within you. Last night we crossed over into the new year with favour, with breakthrough, with victory. It was surely a night to remember, one that I personally thank God for. For after a long and challenging year, we finished in power, we finished in style.
Today we have officially begun our 21 Days Daniel Fasting Conference, and I give God the glory that 2024 has begun well in Jesus’ name.
Check Out The Highlights Here:
I want you to know that you are so dear to my heart. I know how hard, how tough, how stressful the last year has been. That is why I earnestly prayed for you as we were coming into the new year, that God would give you the power, the tools and the weapons to cause you to recover all what you lost.
And what He began to reveal to me is going to shock you. You see, not everyone realises this but often times the way forward is hidden in our past.
When God called Jeremiah as a young boy, He told him,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
Before Jeremiah was even born, already God had planned for him to be a prophet. He put every gift and talent inside of him that he would need. In short, everything Jeremiah needed to fulfil his future, was inside of him.
It is the same way with you. Everything you need is already inside of you. But how do you mark the difference between those things you were born with and those things you have picked up along the way, influenced by family, friends, society, etc.?
The Lord spoke to me before the end of this year, that one of the keys to your success this year will be to rekindle your childhood passion.
There are some passions you had when you were a child, things that you loved to do as you were growing up; a special desire or talent. Your success this year; your favour, your breakthrough, is hidden in that passion.
The Bible tells us that at the age of 12, Jesus’ parents could not find him. Only to realise that he stayed behind in Jerusalem to go and be among the teachers in the temple.
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. (Luke 2:46-47)
Though his parents did not even understand, Jesus’ passion’ from the very beginning was His Father.
“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (v 49)
There is something that God wants to rekindle in your life, a favour, a breakthrough, because everything else you are doing right now is relying on you rediscovering your childhood passions. And why am I emphasising this? Because this childhood passion needs to be a part of your New Year’s Resolution. Just for you to write it down, you will begin to see breakthrough. Because your favour, your success, is connected to this passion.
I remember when I wrote down that I was going to go to Arizona to get my pilot’s license. That is a dream I have had ever since I was a child. But the day that I wrote it down on paper, big financial doors began to open. Remember small keys open big doors. There is a breakthrough that is waiting for you, but you need to go back to your childhood, and write down those things which you always desired to do and to have.
But what if you don’t remember your childhood passion? Maybe you have bad memories of your childhood because of your upbringing, you may not even remember ever being happy because of different burdens that were placed upon you, others because of demonic setup that robbed you of your childhood. But today, God shall liberate you.
That is why I need you to send me your list of childhood passions, and if you can’t remember them that is okay, just submit your prayer list using the prayer agreement form below. As I anoint and prayer over your request, am going to ask God to unlock and rekindle the original passion which you were born with.
Even this evening, one woman testified that as we began to pray there is just one passion that she remembered, but as soon as I anointed her, suddenly three more childhood passions came to her mind, and she began to laugh.
Child of God, once you discover that master passion, you will discover your future opening up for you. Your dreams will become clear. You will hear from God clear. Even in the midst of challenges, you will always have a solution to come out.
Here’s What I Need You To Do:
1. Using the prayer agreement form below, write down your childhood passions so that the Lord can rekindle them once more. Please keep this in mind, because of the amount of external influence through TV and other technologies, please use this guideline. If you are over 40, write down the childhood passions you had up to the age of 12. If you are over 30, write down the childhood passions you had up to the age of 10. And if you are over 20, write down the childhood passions you had up to the age of 8. After that point, other influences may have stepped in and affected your true desires. If you cannot remember any childhood passions, or even your childhood, then simply write that.
2. I need you to connect today with your seed of £15 according to Jeremiah 1:5 that just like Jeremiah, God is going to cause your childhood passion to burn with such desire in you, that you will fulfil that calling and that purpose that God created you for. You can give a double portion or give whatsoever you can today as you do it by faith.
3. Tomorrow I’m going to print it off and anoint it for God to cause you to remember and to rekindle every childhood passion. After that watch and see, favour will begin to show up, opportunities will begin to show up, breakthrough will arise.
4. Join me tomorrow night at 7:30PM UK TIME Live in London at The Kingdom Temple or Online via Facebook/YouTube
CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA) or for Whatsaap +44 7448 583480
Remember we are doing Daniel Fasting according to the book of Daniel 1:8-16 for 21 days straight. That means you can eat anytime of the day but No Fish, No Seafood, No Chicken, and No Meat is Allowed (No Alcohol either, incase you like to drink wine). This is a Special Cleansing Fast that God has instructed me for us to do it at the beginning of this year. (And if you eat meat by mistake you must begin all over again).
1. God will reveal the source of your problems. Get ready for spiritual dreams and your subconscious to be unlocked.
2. Every sickness and Diseases must leave your body
3. Favour, Everywhere you Go I see Favour this year
4. Good Health and the Anointing, power and energy to accomplish all what you need to accomplish 2024
Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form. You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK
ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry Ltd
SORT CODE: 20-54-25
IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223
Climate Wiseman, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK
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Prophet Climate