Dear Child of God,
We are on Day 5 of our Daniel Fasting and things are heating up quickly. I want to teach you something that will save your life this year. Did you even know that some of the decisions you have made in life, some of the mistakes you have made that caused you to lose opportunity, some of the paths you took thinking you were headed in the right direction only to lead you down a path of misery, were because you have been controlled through demonic food?
We have been looking at Daniel and what caused him to excel to the top. And one thing he understood is that people can be able to control your destiny through food.
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.(Daniel 1:8)
The reason why the food was defiled is because the king’s food was always offered up to demons, to principalities. And this is what many people don’t understand. That through food, someone can cause you to lose your mind, to lose your marriage, to lose your destiny. Where you go through life thinking you are pursuing your own way only to realise you are being controlled through demonic food.
Child of God, your life may have been controlled because somebody fed you some demonic food, but whatever it is that is being used to control your life, to control your finances, to control your destiny, today you will be set free.
Daniel understood the mystery to his own destiny; he knew that he needed to avoid that food. Even Jesus himself used food to control somebody’s destiny.
The Bible tells us that Judas, his disciple that served with him for three years, was filled with a demon after being fed food.
After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, “Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.” Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?” Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. (John 13:21-26)
Don’t get me wrong, it was very unfortunate that Judas had to be the person that was chosen. But somebody had to be chosen in order to fulfil the will of God.
But my point is that Jesus could have given any sign to his disciples. But the reason why he did this is to warn us that there are people around you with spiritual knowledge and they will use food that been sacrificed to demons in order to control your life, to end your life. But I declare into your life, this year no one will control you.
** I See That Someone Fed You Demonic Food And Since Then People Have Been Fighting You And You Have Been Facing A lot of Rejection … But The Lord Shall Deliver You! **
Yes, anything that has been determining negative outcomes where your life is concerned, today it must stop!
Sometimes you can have in-laws that feed you food that has been sacrificed to demons in order to control your marriage, to control your destiny. Sometimes you can have children that are out of control, and it’s because of demonic food that they have been fed. Others were doing very well until they were fed a certain meal, suddenly the spirit of failure and rejection entered them. Sometimes the pain and disease you go through is because of food. But child of God, today you can be free!
I declare according to Isaiah 60:18 No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.
Whatever it is that has been controlling your life it ends today. I declare as we begin this year God will protect you from any man who is trying to control your life through food!
Now Here’s What I Want You To Do:
1. Using the prayer agreement form below, I want you to send me the list of areas where you feel you have been manipulated and controlled and you need to be set free.
2. I need you to send me a picture with your hands over your tummy. ( I’m going to anoint it with the Oil of Divine Protection. As I do that, whatever has been implanted there to cause you to make erratic, negative decisions that has costed you spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, etc. it’s going to come out.
3. Today I want to encourage you build up an altar of Divine Protection according to Isaiah 60:18 so that this 2022, your life, your destiny, your relationships, your finances, will be protected. This 2022 you are going to be unstoppable. Nobody will be able to take you down.
4. Remember the instructions for our Daniel Fast is that you must abstain from meat. That is all chicken, fish, beef and pork, and it also includes alcohol as well. You can eat dairy products (egg, cheese, milk, etc.) But strictly no meat.
5. Each night I will send you a special email along with prayer points for you to pray. Scroll down for 17 Prayer Points For Deliverance From Any Demonic Food That Has Been Controlling Your Life!And remember to join me LIVE every day from 4PM (New Time) & 7PM UK Time for powerful prayer and revelation knowledge.
CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA)
17 Powerful Prayer Points For Deliverance From Every Demonic Food That Has Been Controlling Your Life
(Scriptures references Daniel 1:1-21, John 13:21-26, Isaiah 60:18)
(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life)
1. Today I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my destiny, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
2. I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my mind, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
3. I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my marriage/relationship, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
4. I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my finances, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
5. I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my health, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
6. I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my husband/wife/partner, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
7. I take authority over every demonic food that I have been fed in order to control my children, I command it to come out in the name of Jesus!
8. Anyone that is planning to control my life, my mind, my marriage/relationship, my destiny, the blood of Jesus is against you!
9. Right now I take authority over every evil hand, every evil mind that wants to control my life through demonic food, the blood of Jesus is against you!
10. I speak to my intestines, MY INTESTINES, MY INTESTINES, right now I command you to vomit out every demonic food that you have been fed! Come out in the name of Jesus!
11. Whatever it is that has been controlling the outcome of my life, today I bind you! The blood of Jesus neutralises you! I render you helpless and powerless; I command you loose to your grip over my life and my destiny!
12. I declare this year I will excel!
13. This year I will excel in my finances!
14. This year I will excel in my marriage/relationships!
15. This year I will excel in my health!
16. This year I will excel in my career!
17. This year my children/family will excel!
Thank You Again… For Partnering With Me In The Eternal Gospel.. Your regular offering and Precious Seeds are Helping us to Proclaim The Gospel to So Many Around The World…! The work of God is the greatest soil on earth …and guarantees an Uncommon Harvest of Divine Favor. Click above to submit your prayer Request…. Remember to give An offering To Activate Your Faith.
Remember we are doing Daniel Fasting according to the book of Daniel 1:8-16 for 21 days straight. That means you can eat anytime of the day but No Fish, No Sea Food, No Chicken, and No Meat is Allowed. This is a Special Cleansing Fast that God has instructed me for us to do it at the beginning of this year. (And if you eat meat by mistake you must begin all over again).
1. God will reveal the source of your problems. Get ready for spiritual dreams and your subconscious to be unlocked.
2. Every sickness and Diseases must leave your body
3. Favour, Everywhere you Go I see Favour this year
4. Good Health and the Anointing, power and energy to accomplish all what you need to accomplish 2022
Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.
You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am – No Appointment needed.
You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest LLOYDS BANK
ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministries
SORT CODE: 30-91-91
ACCOUNT: 32472768
IBAN: GB24LOYD30919132472768
Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Jennifer Lanyero, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK
(This is my office secretary. Due to my schedule; she will collect your donation on my behalf)
Connect With Me Live Each Night on www.youtube.com/bishopclimate or www.facebook.com/bishopclimate
Yours In Prophecy,
Prophet Climate Wiseman
2 thoughts on “21 Days of Daniel Fasting Day 5: Whatever It Is That Has Been Controlling The Outcome Of Your Life … Is Finished! (Don’t Miss Click Now)”
Powerful service this evening ! God is at work through the Powerful Master Prophet ?
Thank you so Much . be blessed May this year Of Excellence, God Do something New , Something wonderful, something powerful, Something Marvellous, Something Beautiful in Your Life. May Good Lord Shine His Face Toward You And Grant You Peace, May Command His Blessing Over your Life. May He give you the opportunity to follow your dreams, love like never before, May He Surprise You Daily With A Miracle. And Cause You To Look to Your Tomorrow With Hope and Smile unconditionally. Join me for 21 days of Daniel Fasting And Prayer, No Meat, No Chicken, No Fish, No Alcohol ( Daniel 1:8-15) Happy New Year! – From Master Prophet Climate. https://prophetclimate.co.uk