Dear Child of God,

Today every demonic foundation of bondage in your life that always wants to cause you to return to the place where you started, it must be broken in Jesus’ name.?

When there is a demonic foundation of bondage in your life, you can rise to the highest of heights, but you are destined to fall. Sometimes I see people accomplish such great things in life, only to lose it all; their life no better off than when they started. When there is a demonic foundation of bondage in your life, your failure is already predetermined. Your life can look as though everything is going well on the outside, but there is a time that has been set for you to return to bondage. Sometimes entire families are in captivity to this bondage, each of one them experiencing the same array of problems.?

He putteth forth his hand upon the rock; he overturneth the mountains by the roots.?(Job 28:9)

Through this anointing, your hands shall be made strong. You shall uproot and overturn every demonic foundation in your family. Yes, I see you turning a generational curse to become a generational blessing. Every demonic foundation from your father’s house that keeps causing you to walk the same path of all your ancestors; today the Lord shall put you on a new path. It is a path that has never been walked before; a path of victory; a path of success. It is a path your family has never seen before; but you shall walk it.?

That is why I need you to send me a picture of your hands. As I anoint them, God will cause you to have power to overturn every demonic foundation. Yes, your hands shall be strong to uproot every demonic foundation in your life once and for all.?

Now Here’s What I Need You To Do:

1. Using the prayer agreement form below, I need you to send me your list of the demonic foundations that you need to be uprooted and overturned from your life.?

2. I need you to send me a picture of your hands so I can anoint them.?

3.?Today you must build up an altar according to Job 28:9 that you shall put forth your hand upon the rock; and overturn the mountains by the roots. As you build up this altar, you are declaring that you have power to overturn every demonic foundation in your life. You can give ?28 or a double portion, or give as you are led by the Spirit of God.?

3. Below I have included 15 Powerful Prayer Points To Uproot & Overturn Every Evil Foundation Over Your Life. I want you to pray them with me before tomorrow’s service.?

4. Remember to join me tonight from 7PM UK Time and daily for the next 7 days! You can watch us live via Youtube, Facebook our on our BCM Ministry App?



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(Scripture Joshua 6:1-26, Romans 8:11 & Job 28:7-9)?

?(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life)?


1. I take authority over every evil foundation of that has been assigned to destroy my life. I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

2. I take authority over every evil foundation that I have inherited from my father’s house/ from my mother’s house. I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

3. I take authority over every evil foundation of backwardness. I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

4. I take authority over every evil foundation of setback and failure.??I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

5. I take authority over every evil foundation of premature death. I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

6. I take authority over every evil foundation of inability to connect with the power of God. I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

7. Every evil foundation causing people to steal from me; I uproot you and overturn you.

8. Every evil foundation of bad luck; I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

9. Every evil foundation of marine powers; I command you to loose your grip. I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

10. Every evil foundation of bondage in my relationship/marriage; I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

11. Every evil foundation of bondage over my finances; I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

12. Every evil foundation of bondage over my health; I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

13. Every evil foundation of bondage over my destiny; I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

14. Every evil foundation of bondage over my career/business; I uproot you; I break your powers out of my life and I overturn you.

15. Every evil foundation of Jericho; I tear it down in the name of Jesus.

Remember you can give with your?card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.?

You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am – No Appointment needed.

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK 

ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry

SORT CODE: 20-54-25

ACCOUNT: 90144223

IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223




Climate Wiseman, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK


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