** I Have Seen In My Spirit … The Battles You Are Going Through, The Challenges You Are Facing, Is Because Somebody Has Been Holding Your Star. Tonight, They Must Release It! **

Dear Child of God,

I need you to know that your star can never be invisible. When people see your star; they see your future. And all what it takes is a wicked man or woman to terminate it. 

I have seen in my spirit that somebody wants to turn the glory of your star to shame. Yes, the Lord revealed to me there is a Laban in your life that has been holding your star; blocking your star. And this is because of the destiny that is ahead of you. 

When Laban realised that Jacob was the one making him rich, he did whatever he could in order to hold onto him. He made him serve 14 years for his daughter Rachel. But then he even blocked his own daughter’s star so that she could not give birth. For years Rachel was barren until God remembered her. 

Somebody has seen your star. The Bible tells us that when Joseph was born, Jacob told Laban to let him go. You see, Laban had blocked Rachel’s star. He already saw that the day when she would give birth to Joseph, that child will be used to fulfil the prophecy that was spoken to the grandfather Abraham. 

Why? The day that Joseph was born, every spell over his life was broken. Suddenly Jacob’s eyes were opened.

I declare that every wizard and sorcerer that is fighting your star, today wherever they are, we break their powers.Every fortune teller, that is blocking the glory of your star, I rebuke them in Jesus’ name I command them to die by fire!


Just like how he remembered Rachel, God is about to remember you. God is about to hearken to you and open up your womb. 

“Then God remembered Rachel and answered her pleading and made it possible for her to have children” (Genesis 30:22)

I take authority over every spiritual blockage where your star is concerned, today God is about to remember you. 

Child of God, the battle you are going through, the challenges you are facing, is because somebody has seen the glory of your star. But tonight, as we we wash and anoint our hands, we are going to deal with every Laban that has been blocking your star. Yes that is why I need to have a picture of your hands as a point of contact. As I anoint them tonight, God will remember the glory of your star.

When God remembers the glory of your star, doors begin to open. 

Now Here’s What You Must Do: 

1) Right now, I need you to send me 11 areas of your life where you need God to remember you; where you need God to open up your womb for new things. It could be finances, destiny, health, marriage, etc. 

2) I need you to send me a picture of your hands. As a point of contact, I will wash and anoint your picture. 

3) I want you to build up an altar according to Genesis 30:22 of £22 for God to remember your star. As you connect tonight, I see doors are about to open. I see you coming out of a long season of captivity. Just like Jacob, your eyes are about to be open. Something is about to be broken in your life and favour will begin to flow.  

4) Join Me Live This Friday Evening at 7:30PM UK Time. Watch us LIVE Online via Youtube, Facebook our Bishop Climate Ministries App.



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 ACCOUNT: 32472768

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Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Jennifer Lanyero, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK 

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Yours In Prophecy,
Prophet Climate Wiseman

2 thoughts on “This Person Is Behind All The Battles You Have Been Going Through … Click Now!”


    I thank the Lord for these prophetic messages. I will not remain the same. Can you imagine! A family member called Dr. Monday Julius is always financing the engender to ruin my destiny and star etc. James his cousin’s brother went to the school where I did my primary education and After he had rung me asking the year I finished my primary school. I got some of the contact papers from the school and they teamed up- took them to the witch doctor and buried them since that time nothing good has ever come out of professional services I do render whenever I get anything big it dies out prematurely. May all the governing Angels attack them like soldiers in the army and plunder them to vomit all the much I lost through their spells.

    On the advice of their mother who excavates dead bodies through witchcraft -they spend a lot of money to ensure the killings of my opportunities, destiny,career-driven earnings, stars etc. May the Hand of God arrest them and let them vomit all that they have caused me to lose. AS of now, I have got the Citizenship of USA, they bewitched the Process and although I had won the lottery DV USA, I lost the opportunity. May God Kindly Help me! My Tears are so untold, that even my children left school prematurely and were forced into pre-mature marriages. May the demonic powers applied die out in the name of Jesus

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