Bishop Climate Ministries

spiritual warfare

Dear Child of God,

Tonight, the heavens shook, and a terrifying word from the Lord was released during Day 1 of the London Spiritual Warfare Summit. This is not the time for complacency or retreat—the stakes are higher than ever before. The Lord has declared you His battle-axe (Jeremiah 51:20), and the enemy knows it. He is coming at you with everything he has because he knows how dangerous you are. You must rise up now, for the enemy is relentless, and he seeks to destroy what God has destined for you. But hear the word of the Lord: YOU WILL NOT FAIL if you stand your ground. The battle is raging, and it is fierce, but God is preparing you to deal a final, crushing blow to the forces of darkness.

The Lord is a Man of War (Exodus 15:3, Isaiah 42:13), and He has not sent you into this battle unarmed. The enemy may think he has the upper hand, but he is about to be utterly destroyed. Even now, as you read this, demonic forces are plotting against you—they want to take everything: your peace, your destiny, your very life. But GOD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU (Exodus 14:14). You must not back down; you are on the verge of a victory so great, it will shake the gates of hell. The enemy’s attacks have intensified because he is terrified of what you are about to step into. God has chosen you for this battle, and every time you stand firm, you are sending shockwaves through the kingdom of darkness.

Do you feel the pressure? That’s because the year is not over, and the enemy is trying to steal what remains of it. But God is declaring, the best is yet to come! You must not fall into despair or distraction now. The Lord is your strength, your fortress, your deliverer (Psalm 46:1, Psalm 18:2). He is the rock upon which you stand, but you must rise up in faith and seize what belongs to you. The war is not over, and you are called to take the fight to the enemy’s camp. The Lord has shown me that the next few weeks will be critical—you are either about to break through into your destiny or face the greatest opposition you’ve ever known.

Now listen closely—there are exactly 94 days left in this year, and each day is a battleground. The enemy is coming with fury because he knows his time is short, but God has declared that these 94 days will be followed by 94 days of unprecedented blessing. Do you understand? These are not just days—they are supernaturally charged moments, designed by God to bring the prophecies over your life to full manifestation. If you do not press in now, the enemy will steal your inheritance! But if you rise up, God will pour fresh oil upon you, anointing you for battle like never before. Your glory is being restored, and everything the enemy thought he could take is about to be ripped from his hands and delivered back to you.

As Zephaniah 3:17 declares, the Lord is with you, mighty to save, but you must engage in the fight. Every prophecy over your life is being challenged by the forces of darkness—but I declare prophetically, they WILL manifest before the year’s end! The name of the Lord is a strong tower (Proverbs 18:10), and you must run to Him NOW, before the enemy has any more opportunity to strike. He is covering you under His wings (Psalm 91:1), but you must take refuge quickly, for the battle has already begun.

In this urgent hour, I am calling you to seal this prophetic word with a thanksgiving offering of £94. This is not just a gesture; it is a prophetic act of war. You must move in faith NOW, thanking God in advance for the victory that is about to be unleashed. You are fighting not just for yourself but for everything that God has promised you. Don’t wait, don’t let the enemy steal these final days from you! For those who feel an overwhelming sense of urgency in their spirit, I encourage you to sow a double portion. This double offering will signify a double anointing and double blessing, as God prepares to release double for your trouble. Child of God, you can also give what you can afford. 

Do not underestimate the power of this moment—your destiny is on the line. As we move into Day 2 of the Summit, submit your prayer requests with urgency. There is no time to waste, for the enemy is relentless, but God is mightier, and He will rescue you. Bring your battles to the altar, and we will stand together, knowing that God has already prepared a supernatural turnaround for you. But you must act now!

Rise up, warrior, and take what belongs to you.


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CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA)

Join Me This Saturday at 11AM UK Time For Special Praying In Tongues Service, and at 7:30PM UK Time for Day 2 Spiritual Warfare Summit. LIVE ONLINE or in person at TKT, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ

Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.  You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am – No Appointment needed. You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry Ltd

SORT CODE: 20-54-25

 ACCOUNT: 90144223



CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK) +1 347 708 1449 (USA)



Yours In Prophecy,

Prophet Climate


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