Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,

I just want to thank God for your life. And to say that if you have been joining me since Monday, get ready for breakthrough like you have never seen before. You will recover all that the enemy has taken from you, and it starts today. 


Today by faith, the Jericho walls fell. Every blockage, every barrier, every hindrance, every delay to your breakthrough, Just like the bible said…. that what happened here as i prayed for you …that as we have been walking around every day since Monday, today it fell. 

Then they burned the whole city and everything in it, but they put the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron into the treasury of the Lord’s house. (Josh 5:24)

All the saints gathered round to shred up all the prayer requests, as a symbol of the walls fallen. 


Today we burned the frankincense in the sanctuary and waved our prayers before the Lord. Now that we are officially in the second half of the year, there are specific instructions and strategies you will need to carry you through to the end. 

I know you have been looking for the answer about your finances, about your family and especially about your spiritual life. Just like Joshua was looking for an answer, and the angel of the Lord showed up and gave him the battle plan on how to bring down Jericho. Your answer is here and ready now. All I need you to do is listen and obey. Beacuse if you don’t, you will end up missing what God has revealed to me that He will show you. 

That is why, when the Lord gave me a specific prophetic word for this month, I became so excited. Because I knew it’s exactly what you need. 

I saw in my spirit, one of the things that has been keeping you stuck for so long is the constant confusion and doubt that have derailed your mind, causing you to lose your focus, losing your bearings, and not knowing what to hold on to. But now things have changed. Now things are going to get better. 

For this month, the Lord says that you will know what to do. And His wisdom will bring you success. 

You are going to receive an anointing to do things differently, to pray differently. This time you are going to get the results you need. 

If you don’t sharpen your ax, it will be harder to use; if you are wise, you’ll know what to do. (Ecclesiastes 10:10)

This month God is going to give you wisdom to know what to do when you don’t know what to do. 

God will show you what you need to do to get out of every financial problem. He will show you what you need to find that one person that will transform your life; He will show you what you need to get out of that mess. This time you will know what you need to do. There will be no more wandering. But you will wake up with the answer; you will wake up with direction. Yes I see even in the night, the Lord giving you the instructions that you need in order to succeed.  

This month you will know what to say. You will know where to go. You will know what to write. You will know what to answer. Yes, this month you will have success. Things that have been bothering you are not going to bother you anymore. You will have success.

The Bible tells us that sharpening an axe gives you an advantage, the same way wisdom leads to success. But up to now, the way you have been dealing with things has been making things take a lot longer than they should. You have been using a lot of resources and a lot of energy, but not making much progress. But this month, you are going to receive the anointing to know what to do and it will quicken the process. 


As your prophet, I declare that you are smart, and you will know what to do. So when a situation will rise up where your health is concerned, you will declare “I am smart, and I will know what to do. When a situation will rise up in your career, in your finances, in your relationship, amongst your family, etc. you will declare “I am smart and I will know what to do. For God’s wisdom will bring me success!”

Here’s What I Need You To Do Now:

1. Right now I want you to submit your prayer request for this month, of the areas where you are believing God to show you what to do. Am going to print them off and keep them on the altar here in the sanctuary in London, for the entire month of July. 

2. As this is the month of July, the 7th month of the year, I want you to build up an altar to the Lord of £70 as you believe God for this prophetic word to be activated over your life. Remember every time when God would appear to Abraham and reveal Himself to him, Abraham would build up altars to the Lord God as a memorial. Everytime you receive a prophetic word, it’s an opportunity to do the same. As you do that, you are giving the spiritual realm a supernatural right to act on your behalf. That word begins to work on your behalf. You can also sow according to the number 7 as you are able to give this month. I know you have been giving all week long; remember this is your prophetic seed for the month of July. 

3. Once I receive both your prayer request and prophetic seed, I’m going to send you some declarations I need you to declare daily which are going to activate theis prophetic word, and also bring about those divine solutions you are believing God for. 



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Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form. 

You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am – No Appointment needed.

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry

SORT CODE: 20-54-25

ACCOUNT: 90144223

IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223




Climate Wiseman, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK




Yours In Prophecy,

Prophet Climate

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