Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,

The Lord bless you and the Lord keep you. Today we are on Day 5, it has been so powerful and so amazing. The testimonies are flowing and increasing in every area; God is blessing people and people are beginning to experience the favour, the blessing and the breakthrough, especially the manifestation of God’s blessing.

You know one thing child of God, one of the most important things I have desired, the bible tells us all things are possible to those who believe. Belief comes through desire. Desire comes through what you keep seeing. 

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 

As I was praying for you, the Lord revealed to me that this is the week, this is the month, this is the year when you will begin to manifest every blessing that God has prepared for you. 

It doesn’t matter what is going around in your life, I need you to believe in God and believe in yourself. 

Today as I was sharing the Word, the Lord led me especially to Jeremiah 29:11 where it says 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

This scripture reminds me of the time before I got born again, when I was planning to commit suicide. That time I was in a place where my life had been turned upside down, I had lost everything I had. And when I was in the hotel room, getting ready to eat my last meal before I took my life, suddenly the wind blew through the window and it opened up the Gideon Bible in the room.

It opened it up to Jeremiah 29:11, and as I read it, I began to hear the voice of God so strongly. Even now, I can hear it. It was saying, Climate, I just want you to trust me. I want you know that right now your situation may look hopeless, but if you only trust me, I will show you a future you have never seen before. I will reveal it to you, I have plans you don’t know about, and those plans are not to harm you but to give you hope and a future. 

At that moment, I believed. And since that day, I have seen the hand of God in my life. God took me from nowhere, from the street to the palace, from nothing to something. Child of God, that same voice wants to manifest in your life. And right now, I feel in my spirit, I just want to come in agreement with you. It doesn’t matter what you are going through or where you are but God will begin to manifest Himself  in your life just like He has done in mine  for the last 30 years. 

Today I declare and I decree, that his could be the day when God will begin to manifest his plan and purpose for your life. Today, God is about to reveal to you a future you have never seen. 

Today I declare and I decree that there will never be situation in your life that God will not be able to sort out. I see the hand of God taking control of your life and of your destiny. 

Today I guarantee you, as you read this, something is already taking place. 

But there is something I need you to do. Remember when you let go of what is in your hand, God will let go of what is in his. 

There are some negative feelings, some negative thoughts you have to let go. As you let them go, I see God releasing some favour, some blessing into your life. Yes, God is about to bring somebody in your life who is going to lift you up, to prosper you, to sort out what you need to be sorted out. 

I saw somebody, there is an angel that been assigned today to bring progress. I see progress where your destiny is concerned. 

Quickly, I need you to connect with this anointing.

Now Here’s What I Need You To Do:

1. Using the Prayer Agreement Form below, I need you to write the key areas of your life where you are believing God for progress, where you have been experiencing hopelessness and feeling there is no future. 

2. I need you to build up an altar according to Jeremiah 29:11 saying in this place God, reveal to me my future. You know the plans you have for me, now Jehovah God in this area, I believe I receive those plans you prepared for me before the foundation of the world. 

3. I need you to send this to me within the next few hours because I want to print it off before our lunch hour service tomorrow. I want to pray for you where those desires are concerned, and I know God will listen to us. He is not respecter of person, but a respecter of faith. I have faith. Do you have faith? If you believe it right now, may God prosper you, may God bless you. 

4. I need you to join me LIVE tomorrow from 1PM & 7:30PM UK Time for our Prosperity Conference. You are about to experience the favour of God like never before. 

5. Below I’ve included 18 Powerful Prayer Points To Activate The Manifestation Of God’s Plans For Your Life




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Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 29:11

(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life)


1. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where life is concerned.

2. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where finances are concerned.

3. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where business creativity is concerned.

4. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where academics are concerned.

5. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where cars, travel and home are concerned.

6. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans calling is concerned.

7. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where marriage/relationship are concerned.

8. Jehovah God, may you give me the desires of my heart where my status is concerned.

9. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans in my spiritual life, deepening my connection with you and strengthening my faith.

10. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a physical manifestation of those plans where career is concerned.

11. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans in my educational pursuits, granting me wisdom and understanding.

12. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans in my creative endeavors, allowing me to express myself fully.

13. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans where my financial journey, opening doors of prosperity and abundance.

14. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans in my leadership roles, empowering me to serve with humility and grace.

15. Jehovah God, may you give me the desires of my heart where those plans for the future are concerned, unfolding your divine plan in my life.

16. Jehovah God, I believe I receive a full physical manifestation of those plans in my ministry, allowing me to impact lives for your kingdom.

17. Jehovah God, may you give me the desires of my heart where my service to others is concerned, enabling me to be a blessing in the lives of those around me.

18. Jehovah God, grant me the grace to trust in your timing and to patiently wait for the fulfilment of your promises.


Thank You Again… For Partnering With Me In The Eternal Gospel.. Your regular offering and Precious Seeds are Helping us to Proclaim The Gospel to So Many Around The World…! The work of God is the greatest soil on earth …and guarantees an Uncommon Harvest of Divine Favor. Click above to submit your prayer Request…. Remember to give An offering To Activate Your Faith. 



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Yours In Prophecy,

Prophet Climate Wiseman

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