Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,

Do you find yourself constantly fighting people that are close to you, or people are always fighting you, because of uncontrollable envy, jealousy or insecurity? 

Maybe you keep finding yourself being a victim of evil from family members or friends,  sometimes finding yourself thinking negative without knowing or wanting to. Or always wanting others to support you but finding it hard to help others. Maybe you even find yourself at times thinking you’ve had enough of God or you’re tired of listening to his Prophet? 

If this is the case then you could be a victim of the curse of Ahab’s house. 

Child of God the Bible tells us in 2 Chronicles 21 that King Jehoshaphat had seven sons. He was one of the greatest kings to live after King David, he walked with God. And before he died, he did the right thing and appointed his firstborn as heir to his kingdom while greatly blessing his other sons making sure they all had something to their name. He raised them up to support their elder brother when the time came for him to be king. 

But after King Jehoshaphat died and his son Jehoram reigned in his place, the Bible tells us that “When Jehoram established himself firmly over his father’s kingdom, he put all his brothers to the sword along with some of the officials of Israel. Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years.He followed the ways of the kings of Israel, as the house of Ahab had done, for he married a daughter of Ahab. He did evil in the eyes of the Lord”(2 Chronicles 21: 4-6)

While his father reigned for decades, Jehoram’s life was cut short after only 8 years. Why? Because he went and married a daughter of Ahab. 

Child of God, this is what happens when you have a Jezebel in your life.

The Lord spoke to me when I was praying that there is a curse of Ahab that has been trying to hunt you down. Jehoram was raised well by his father but after he married into the house of Ahab, his life just went downhill. Anytime you associate yourself with anybody from Ahab’s house, suddenly there are some things that will happen in your life. 

Sometimes you don’t even know that you could be carrying the DNA of Ahab’s family.  That’s why I see people for no reason trying to rise up against you. When you have this curse of Ahab running in your blood, you find yourself in situations where you are losing things in your life. 

And this is not only through relationships but also by birth and even demonic spells.  You see there are different kinds of marriages, different kinds of alliances. Sometimes it is physical, other times it is spiritual or emotional, but somehow you may find yourself a product of the curse of the house of Ahab. Everything was fine until Jehoram married into the family of Ahab. Then things began to change. His wife Ataliah began to feed his jealousy and feed his insecurity so that he began to attack everyone around him. I saw this spirit that has been moving between your family causing people to fight one another. I saw dark forces ready to unleash problems in your life. THIS MUST STOP!

The Lord spoke to me that there is a spirit from Ahab’s house that been speaking to you, turning you against people, making you to feel insecure. Today I declare anything assigned from hell that wants to open up a door for evil to come into your life, it must die by fire! 

When you have Ahab syndrome, you find yourself getting jealous and envious of other people, becoming insecure. Before you know it you are fighting them, blocking them, killing their cause; just reacting to situations here and there. 

When there is Ahab’s curse in your life and family, attacks will rise up from everywhere. 

You can find yourself with so much insecurity that you end up seeking strange powers to destroy others. Though people around you only want to help you, yet you are filled with envy and jealousy towards them. 

Today any curse of Ahab in your life must to be broken. Anything that wants to push you into insecurity, jealousy and envy, that wants to push you to suppress others, today it must die by fire. Anything that has been assigned by the enemy for attacks to rise up from every corner, it must die by fire! 

This month is the sixth month of the year and this Sunday will be the Miracle Frankincense service. I will be releasing a powerful word for your life but if I release it and you have not dealt with this curse first, there is going to be an issue. 

That is why I need you to send me the list of the areas where you feel in your life or in your loved one’s lives you have been be suffering from the curse of the house of Ahab. Write down all the areas where you have experienced jealousy, envy, or insecurity. 


Tonight I’m going to intercede on your behalf that every spirit that has been assigned to raise up the level of insecurity in your life in order to bring you down and ashame you, will be broken in Jesus name! 

As you do that, I feel in my spirit you need to build God a special altar according to Isaiah 49:25 “For this is what the LORD says: “Even the captives of a mighty man will be taken, and the prey of a tyrant will be delivered; I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will save your children”. You could give a double portion or give what you can afford as you believe God for this generational curse to be broken out of your life and the lives of your loved ones for good! 



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Remember you can give with your card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.  


Yours In Prophecy, 

Prophet Climate

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