Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,

“When I first met Prophet Climate I had been married and divorced 5 times. I was most recently married to a Swedish diplomat, but was separated from him and was working as a housemaid. When I started working with Prophet and he showed me the issues which were behind my problem, I received prayer and deliverance and now I have reunited with my former husband and we are enjoying a happy marriage. This has never happened before. Since going through deliverance, I no longer face rejection in my life from friends and family. – Stella

“ I had been experiencing failed relationships one after another for years. When i first got introduced to Prophet Climate and went through his deliverance program, it became evident to me that there was a strange smell coming from my body which was turning people off from me. This was generational and ran in my family. I was not aware about it until I began the program, something then brought it to my senses which Prophet Climate said is what happens when the curse is being broken, it manifests and leaves. Since going through deliverance the strange smell on my body disappeared. I met my future husband and am now happily married, we have just celebrated the birth of our first child. with a child. I really thank God for Prophet Climate and this amazing program. – Florence

These are just a couple of the testimonies from our clients who enrolled into Breaking The Spirit Of Singleness Program, one of many deliverance programs available to you through our Unlimited Access Membership!

Are You Ready To Experience The Life That God Has Destined For You To Live?

What is it that you have been crying out to God for? Have the doctors given up hope? Has your marriage given up hope? Has your career or business given up hope? Well God hasn’t. The only reason you are not where you want to be is because of something you don’t know. And I believe that you are reading THIS right now  because God wants you to be delivered. He wants you to experience the Good life He has planned for you. The Bible says “Listen! The LORD’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.” Isaiah 59:1 NIV

You may have been in that same situation for YEARS but I’ll tell you one thing, and I’ve said it time and time again, that God will never assign your deliverance until He assigns you a deliverer. You ask me why?

  • The Children of Israel were stuck in bondage for 400 years UNTIL Moses came to deliver them. (Exodus 3)
  • The woman with the issue of the blood had bled for 12 years UNTIL she touched the hem of Jesus. (Luke 8:43-44)
  • The woman whom “satan has kept bound for eighteen long years” stayed that way UNTIL Jesus came for her! (Luke 13:16)
  • A paralytic man was in the same condition for 38 Years UNTIL Jesus met him at the Miracle Pool (John 5)

I believe that God has CONNECTED me and you for a plan and a purpose – Because it’s YOUR SET TIME to be Free! It’s YOUR TIME to come out of captivity! It’s YOUR TIME to be Delivered!

Our Deliverance Programs are No.1 in the World, and will help you to break every chains of bondage once and for all, so that you can live and shine, and be all that God has called you to be!

Here’s What You Get When You Become A Member:

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When God is at the centre, everything else will line up.

Our membership gives you all the tools you need to get your life back in order. Whether you’ve been struggling from the day you were born, or have been going through some recent challenges, our programs get you back on the right track, and give you the spiritual weapons, insight and understanding, to take back your authority. 

Each of our programs comes with daily audios to listen to and grow your faith, and special prayers/confessions to make throughout the day. You’ll get access to our ENTIRE LIBRARY of Deliverance Prayer Books. PLUS You’ll also get access to our community of mentors and other believers for support along the way. God is with you every step of the way, and so are we! 


Join Today & Transform Your Life

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