Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,


Last year I travelled to Geneva, Switzerland for a Business Conference, and as soon as I landed at the airport and got out of the plane, immediately I found a gold coin on the ground. It was not a local or foreign currency, no it was an ancient gold piece. Out of the thousands of people that had walked through that spot that day, I was the one that picked it up.

One person described it as being a “very lucky man”, but for me it was more than luck, it’s the Grace of God. 

Child of God, this is what is supposed to be a natural occurence for me and it must be for you too. You see when your hands are anointed for success, for wealth, and for prosperity, you cannot help but become a magnet for good things. You become a magnet for wealth and abundance. Money just begins to look for you. Opportunities begin to look for you. Good jobs, good businesses, good relationships begin to find you.



When I was praying for you I saw that you at one point you experienced a lot of favors and opportunities, there was a time in your life where things came easily for you. But something happened and from that day it has been a struggle. From that day it is like you have been living under a curse. Well it is true! Somebody out of envy and jealousy saw that you were lucky, they saw that you were a person of substance, a person of favor, and they swept down and placed a curse over the work of your hands. That is why at the moment nothing seems to be working. Nothing seems to be making any sense.

But Child of God I want you to know that this is why God led me to hold a very special Anointing of the Hands service every month where you can be able to get your hands anointed and washed for victory. Since then thousands have been set free and delivered from the curse of failure and bad luck. Many have experienced divine recompensation into thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many have been healed from bad luck and many more have experienced miraculous debt cancellation miracles.

Do you need that personal breakthrough in your life but you feel as if everything you touch turns to dust? Well it’s time for it to turn to gold. It’s time for you to begin to attract the good things God has for you.

I also see  that this is a generational curse that you have inherited from birth. That is why failure and bad luck are all you have known for as long as you can remember. Because it is running in your spiritual dna. But today you can be clean. Today you can be free from what is holding you back, if only you believe.


I see doors opening in your life  for wealth, health and prosperity to come into your life in abundance. 

Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations led in triumphal procession. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish;  it will be utterly ruined. (ISAIAH 60:11-12)



Prophet Climate Opening Gates of Wealth

Tonight we are holding the Powerful Miracle Pool Service. If you’re not yet aware of what’s going around right now, then go back through your emails. Update yourself and stay connected, because you don’t want to be left behind.

Tonight you must send me a picture of the palm of your hands. I will print it off personally for you and dip it in the Miracle Pool. Just like Noah on his birthday I see all the flood gates of wealth and prosperity opening at the same time in your life.

In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened. (Genesis 7:11) 

Remember there is no distance when it comes to prayer or the anointing, there is only faith. And as you join your faith with my faith, together we can witness a miracle in your life. 

As you do that, I feel in my spirit that you need to give a special offering  according to the number of your age. This is important especially when you are believing God to remove every curse, especially every generational curse of failure and bad luck over the work of your hands. When you give according to the number of your age, you are undoing all the bad that has been done to you since the moment you were born. As you come into covenant with God, Jehovah El Gemuwal, the God of Recompensation, will restore all that has been lost to you.  Give whatsoever you can. And God will bless you back abundantly. Your tithe remember is also a key to this Financial breakthrough. Give Today generously and Let the God open up your flood gates of heaven.  Your offering also helps with the printing cost. 

**Please note: Only prayer requests that are accompanied with offering help us offset the printing cost will be printed for the service. If you would like to make a vow, please call our Prayer Line and do so over the phone, they will then help you to submit your prayer request manually. 

Click Here To Submit Your Prayer Agreement Form

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Click Below To Watch Another Powerful Testimony on How Her Sister Abroad Was Delivered After She Washed In The Miracle Pool! This is Proof that it doesn’t matter how far away you are – as you connect by faith you can receive a breakthrough too!

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We are Live from 8PM GMT tonight. Watch Us Live on

See you soon, 


Prophet Climate 

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