Bishop Climate Ministries

The Kingdom Church London introduces a brand new Morning Glory Special Miracle Incense Service starting at 9AM every 1st Sunday Of The Month.

During this special service will be a time of prayer, worship and praise. Through divine instruction from God, all those in attendance will sanctify themselves using Sanctification Oil and to take us to another level. Bishop Climate will be using special anointed frankincense and fill the sanctuary with smoke to offer before God just as it says in (Revelation 8:13 NIV):



“Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.”

The dress code for this special service is Strictly All White. This is to represent holiness and purity as you seek the face of God. As you come to this special service, bring all your prayer requests of what you want God to do for you for that specific month. Prepare yourself physically and spiritually before God so that you will receive special instructions for this powerful service.


Check Out These Powerful Testimonies From The Frankincense Service

Hi Bishop! I thank God for the woman of God and your life. When I came to the service I didn’t know what to expect. While you were spreading the Frankincense around the sanctuary I was praying. I then felt a tingling sensation all around my mouth and began to speak in tongues! I wasn’t even sure it was tongues so I prayed and asked God if this is from God or if it is from the devil. I fell under the anointing and saw the whole room around me turn white. I couldn’t believe it I saw Jesus and many other things that were being revealed to me. I saw all my family members coming towards me, my brother, my dad, my sister all coming towards me with their prayer requests telling me their problems I knew that was a sign from God that all their prayers will be answered!

Remember f you live far and can’t be here physically, you can also submit your prayer request online and join us Live with with our online Family from your phone or computer. We want to print your prayer lists and put them in the fire personally just for you!

– S.T, London

click to watch MORE powerful testimonies

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