Bishop Climate Ministries

feast of tabernacles 2022 day 2 prophet climate


Dear Child of God,

Tonight, we have taken the first step on the road to abundance. When it comes to abundance, it all comes down to the words that you speak. Your words are so important. For every day, they are either building or destroying. Right now, your situation that you are experiencing is a sum total of all the words you have spoken throughout your life, whether for good or for bad. And many times, things can go wrong years and years later just because of the words that have been spoken over time. Your words are so important when it comes to abundance.?

The Feast of Tabernacles is about abundance. It’s about God’s abundant lifestyle that He has for us. But many of us never experience it because of negative words. For over 75 years Abram never had any children, until he started calling himself Abraham. Jacob too, his name meant deceiver. And because of that it affected everything in his life until the day when he battled with God and God changed his name. Even Jesus’ name means the deliverer. And this is the secret to prosperity. Words are so important.?

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)

I see some words that were spoken against you that have been affecting your abundance. These are words that were spoken many, many years ago, but they are still having an effect on you up until today. But I want you to know that it doesn’t matter where you started. The end of a matter is better than the beginning. You may have had negative words spoken over your life which have resulted into your current situation, but right now, things can begin to change and get better. Right now, you are on your way to abundance. But we must deal with these negative words first. Once you begin to pray and invest in positive words, your life will begin to change.

As we are getting ready for Day 2 of The Feast of Tabernacles and here’s what I need you to do:

1) I need you to feast! Enjoy yourself today, eat, drink and be merry!?This is the only Festival where we are specifically instructed to rejoice and be joyful. It is a step of faith as you do this that is going to unlock more joy in your life. I want you to think of these 7 days as a time of great fun and laughter.? Celebrate with your family, party, eat food, have fun, do what makes you happy, and do it to honor the Lord. For more joy is coming up ahead.

2) Click on the Link Below to Send me your Prayer Request with the areas of your life where you need every negative word to be cancelled. It’s not too late amen. As we cancel these words, you can begin to speak positive words and rebuild your life again.

3) Give God your Best! Remember one of the requirements of the feast is that you don’t appear before God empty-handed. Today I want you to build an altar with God according to the numer of your age to cancel every negative word that hs been spoken over your life since you were born.?

4) Below I’ve included 14 Abundance Declarations For You To Begin To Attract Abundance Into Your Life.

5)?Join Me Live Tonight & Every Day from &PM UK TIME! Remember you can watch us on Youtube, Facebook or by downloading our APP (details below)

6) If you missed last night’s teaching, you can re-watch it here:?



Click Here Now



(Deuteronomy 16:13-17, Matthew 12:35-36)

?(Remember you can always edit/fill in certain prayer points to apply to your personal life)?


1. I decree and declare I am a lucky man/woman.

2. I decree and declare I am a wealth magnet.

3. I decree and declare I am a prosperity magnet.

4. I decree and declare I am a favour magnet.

5. I decree and declare I am a breakthrough magnet.

6. Every day and in every way my life is getting better and better.

7. Every day and in every way my finances are getting better and better.

8. Every day and in every way my health is getting better and better.

9.?Every day and in every way my family is getting better and better.

10.?Every day and in every way my business/career is getting better and better.

11.?Every day and in every way my children are getting better and better.

12.?Every day and in every way my investment are getting better and better.

13.?Every day and in every way my marriage/relationship is getting better and better.

14.?Every day and in every way my spiritual life is becoming better and better.


CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK)?+1 347 708 1449?(USA) or for Whatsaap +44 7448 583480

?Remember you can give with your?card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.??

*** YOU CAN NOW GIVE THROUGH CASH APP ID ??prophetclimate or ?bishopclimate

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry Ltd


SORT CODE: 20-54-25

IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223





Please note if you are sending your special Offering via Money Gram or Western Union the name has been changed to Jennifer Lanyero, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK?

(This is my personal assistant. Due to my schedule; she will collect your donation on my behalf)


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Yours In Prophecy,?

Prophet Climate

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