Prayer Agreement Form: The Voice of Evil Altars Must Be Silenced

The Spirit of the Lord is clear—these altars must be silenced! The Bible says in Hebrews 12:24, “The blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel.” Tonight, we will invoke the power of the blood of Jesus to drown out every evil voice from your father’s house that is working tirelessly to block your breakthroughs, delay your blessings, and destroy your future.

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Prophet This My Offering To Silence This Altars

Remember - Your seed is a prophetic weapon—expect peace, joy, favor, and breakthrough as you give!

What You Will Happen after Submitting Your Prayer Agreement Form: 

  1. Freedom and Breakthrough: A burden will lift as you feel chains of oppression break.
  2. Peace: Experience unshakable calm, knowing the blood of Jesus is silencing every evil altar.
  3. Renewed Confidence: Feel bold and empowered to overcome obstacles as your faith is activated.
  4. Assurance of Restoration: Sense that God is restoring all the enemy has stolen.
  5. Joy and Gratitude: Be filled with joy as you partner with God in your deliverance.
  6. Divine Favor: Expect doors to open and blessings to flow as grace is released over your life.
  7. Alignment and Obedience: Feel spiritually aligned and confident in your obedience to God’s instruction.

Your seed is a prophetic weapon—expect peace, joy, favor, and breakthrough as you give!

📞 For more information or assistance, call +44 207 738 3668.
📧 Email your form and seed receipt to

This is your moment of breakthrough. Do not miss it! Submit your form and sow your seed today.

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