“Your Search For A Good Ground To Sow Your Seed Into Is finally over!”
Have you been looking for a good spiritual ground to sow your seed and pay your tithe on a regular basis? Then Prophet Climate Ministries is the best ground to sow your seed.
Not every ministry truly believes that we as born-again believers should be walking in the Blessing of the Lord. But we believe in prosperity, we believe in the anointing to get wealth. We don’t limit God to bless you and prosper you. And neither should you!
But have you ever wondered why some people give and become broke, while others give and become wealthy? There are 7 things to remember when it comes to sowing your seed. This is why so many of our members and partners are being blessed.
7 Keys To Your Harvest
A Good Ground
It is not the SEED but it is the GROUND that determines whether the seed will produce or die. (Mark 4:4-8)
Some seeds takes longer to produce than others. (Ex. onions take weeks, coconuts take years) The same is true in the spiritual realm.
Type Of Ground
It’s not just the AMOUNT OF SEED you put into the ground, but it is the TYPE OF GROUND which determines how much you will get in return. (Mark 4:8)
Sowing Often
For you to experience a regular harvest, you must sow seed more often (Ecclesiastes 11:6)
The Right Season
You must align your seeds with prophetic seasons; the seasons of your seed will determine the type of harvest that you get. (Mark 4:28-29)
Variety Of Seeds
For you to be wealthy and healthy you must sow all types of seed; seasonal and non-seasonal; long-term and short-term; you must look out for prophetic opportunities.
Knowing Your Seed
Some seeds only produce one harvest while others produce regularly each season (e.g Wheat produces one harvest, but mangos produce a regular harvest)
The Importance Of Hearkening To Your Prophet
Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. (2 Chronicles 20:20)
The most important thing to remember is to listen to prophetic instruction. You must look out for prophetic opportunities for this prediction becomes the seasons which God has provided for you. You must hearken to the voice of God, in short you must pay attention and listen to His prophets.