Bishop Climate Ministries

Dear Child of God,

I thank my God every time I remember of you, and in all my prayers for all of you I am always praying with joy.?

Because of your partnership in the gospel, from the first day until now, surely He who began a good working you in January will bring it to completion by the end of this month.?

It’s right for me to feel this way about you since I have seen your faith and the hope which has made everything possible in your life.?

This year was a tough year in many ways. But one thing I thank God for you is that you have made it.?

Sometimes it must get worse before it can get better. But one thing that I know that the end of the matter is better than the beginning.?

I saw in my spirit there are people who thought it was over with you. Sometimes some things have to come to an end so greater things can be birthed. And that’s what I saw in my spirit, that this coming year, something great, something powerful is about to be birthed in your life.?

2023 is a prophetic year and this is the reason why.?

In the Bible, the numbers 2 and 3 are associated with abundance. 2 x 3 = 6. And I saw God sending blessing to your life this year that will yield enough harvest and enough favour for the next three years.?

?I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years.?Leviticus 25:21

I see God blessing you. I see God sending a blessing, a supernatural empowerment to prosper you and have a good success, that will last for three years. Mark my word. Though you have been through the worst, you are about to enter into the season of your lifetime.

I prophesy into your life: May you live to enjoy every favour, every blessing, every breakthrough, every healing, that God prepared for you before the foundations of the world. That is why the Lord spoke to me that on the 31st, not only are we going to cross over but we are going to sleep over in the house of God. And this is the reason why. There was a man called Obed-Edom who slept near the ark of God and the Lord blessed him and all his household for 3 months.

The ark of the?Lord?remained in the house of?ObedEdom?the Gittite for three months, and the?Lord?blessed him and his entire household. (2 Samuel 6:11)

I feel in my spirit that God is not a respecter of persons but a respecter of faith. And for that reason, just like Obed Edom, as you connect with this anointing, I see a household blessing. I see God sending a household blessing over your life; over everything that bears your name.?

If you can make it in person, please be here on time; please come prepared to cross over and sleep over in the house of God. Yesterday I received an email from a woman who lives 250km away, but she is preparing to make her journey here for the crossover and sleepover. If you are living here in UK, make your way, do what it takes, not to miss this.?

But if you are far away and you know for sure you cannot be here, then don’t worry. As your prophet I am going to stand with you. As your prophet, I am going to stand on your behalf.?

Now Here’s What I Need You To Do:

Using the prayer agreement forms below, I want you to send me two lists:

List 1 ? Send me all the things that you want to be left behind in 2022. I will pray over them and put them on the fire. As they burn, they shall not follow you into 2023.

List 2 – I need you to send me the list of the blessings that you want God to send to your life and in which areas. I’m going to spread them on the altar and as I lay and sleep in the house of God, they will be next to me. As I spread them overnight in the house of God, I will lay my hand on them and activate the household blessing that God has for you.??

I have been very busy every week with hundreds of prayer requests. Child of God, I need you to move fast and quick. I have only 24 hours to print your prayer request.?

So right now, I want you to do something; I want you to build up an altar according to 2023.?


There are 52 weeks in a year. Though I know that this year was a challenge, I still want you to give God thanks for all what he has done. and I want you by faith to sow a seed according to 52 of finishing well.?

And there’s a reason why. Because by faith, as you sow this seed of finishing well, despite everything that you went through, I see every arrow of the enemy aimed against you coming to shame.?

Because of this special offering, I see every camp of your enemies that was cursing and laughing at you, I see them getting confused.?

This special offering is so special. Because what you are saying is that God, despite of everything, I trust you. And because of that, I see God unlocking every favour and every blessing in your life.?

I feel so strong in my spirit that this is the seed to protest that the enemy in your life is powerless and helpless. Child of God, this seed is going to cause God to act like never before. Mark my word; this 2023 you are about to see the blessings of God over your life like never before.?

Once You Have Done That, Get Ready To Join Me LIVE in Person or ONLINE via Youtube/Facebook at 7PM UK Time on December 31 for our Crossover Service, and again at 9AM and 11:30AM UK Time Sunday Morning. 93 Camberwell Station Road, London SE5 9JJ, England.




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CALL US 24/7 +44 207 738 3668 (UK)?+1 347 708 1449?(USA)

Remember you can give with your?card through the phone it’s quicker and safer; the prayer warriors can assist you to write down your prayer request. Or you can ask them to write the prayer of agreement form on your behalf; just call any of the numbers on the Prayer Agreement Form.?

You can also bring it and put it in my hand for the sake of a special anointing. I would love to pray with you personally and release the power of God in your life. If you would like to see me personally please call our office appointment. But if you need a quick prayer then just pop in anytime, we are here to serve you. Every Sunday Morning at 9am – No Appointment needed.

You can also sow straight into the Ministries account through online banking or by visiting your nearest BARCLAYS BANK


ACCOUNT NAME: Bishop Climate Ministry Ltd


SORT CODE: 20-54-25

IBAN: GB56BUKB20542590144223





Climate Wiseman, 93 Camberwell Station Road, London, SE5 9JJ, UK




Yours In Prophecy,

Prophet Climate


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