Bishop Climate Ministries

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Join us at our Super Sunday Miracle Anointing of the Feet Service, every last Sunday of the month at 6:30pm! As we prepare to enter a fresh month, this is the time to anoint your feet with anointing oil and to step on a higher ground in every area of your life. Spiritually, financially, physically, socially, and in your family, there are some troubles you faced this month that you will never face again.


Your feet carry you to your destiny

Your feet carry you to your destiny. But many have ended up carrying themselves on the wrong path. As you anoint your feet, God uproots you from every land of uselessness, time-wasting, mistakes, wandering, etc. and places your feet on the path he has intended for you. Come and make sure your feet are anointed so that you can make it to where God intends.

Check Out These Powerful Testimonies From The Service

After attending last weekend’s powerful Divine Encounter – Anointing of Feet service, Bishop released a word of prophecy over my life, after I anointed my feet. I checked my account the next day as I wanted to pay some bills. When I first looked into my account there it was a substantial amount. I decided to check my account again, as I checked the money in my account was £7000! Miracle Money Cometh!

B.M. London

 I applied for a job in Buckingham Palace, even though I had no experience in this role. I came to the anointing of feet Sunday service and anointed my feet I believed God that this job was for me. Since the service I attended the interview and they said they would contact me within two weeks. The day after my interview I received an email from them saying that I got the job!


N.P. Essex

click to watch MORE powerful testimonies

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