Faith Healer Refuses False Allegations Of Fraud


This Case Has No Merit – Hundreds Witness Of Their Healing After Using Cleansing Oil

To Whom It May Concern,

This is in response to the charge of fraud that has been brought against me and The Kingdom Church by the Local Authority Southwark Council.

In our country, we are entitled to freedom of worship; Christianity being one of the main religions. We believe that this is just an intention to smear the name and integrity of our church. Not only is it an attack on our church and where I am concerned but it is an attack on the body of Christ who believe in miracles; in the teaching and preaching and the healing of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is none other but a trial of faith because we believe in divine healing.

In regards to the Divine Cleansing Oil and red cloth (previously known as Plague Protection Kit), we are not guilty of and never did sell this for £91. We are a ministry that accepts donations as do any other. And for a donation of £91, we were sending out this special oil and cloth as a special gift. We also gave them to many of our seniors for free who never had any donation to give. IMG 5782

All the ingredients we use are in the Bible. I never took anything away from the Bible, but I used what is inside, which is the wisdom of God given unto me as a Master Prophet.

While it is so sad that the world and many were tragically contracting and dying of Covid 19, at The Kingdom Church we never lost a single one of our members. Many of our members have used these kits and none have died or been harmed in any way. Instead, they were healed and those who had contracted Covid 19 were quickly healed and recovered of their illnesses, and we have hundreds that witness to this fact. When they were presented with Covid symptoms, they followed all the advice of the government and doctors, as well as using our oil, and they completely recovered. The way God revealed to me to encourage our members to administer this special healing oil is nothing new. The art of Aromatherapy has been practiced for generations and is recorded, tested and has proven results for related ailments such as fever, flu, pains, aches, and respiratory issues.

The charge against us for fraud is completely without merit. I have never intended to defraud anyone and I never will. The donations we received for the kit went to meet the cost of the raw materials, packaging and posting, which we have to pay for. I never advised anybody not to go to the hospital or ignore the instructions of the government. I even regularly encourage all of my members to make sure they are vaccinated. But before the vaccination existed, we needed to use our faith against Covid and to put our faith in the solution that’s been provided by God in the Bible to receive daily protection and healing. And surely it has proven to be as we and all my followers are healthy, wealthy and wise.

I find these ongoing issues against us very discriminating where religion is concerned and we wonder what is the issue. We refuse the allegation and I see it as an attack against our freedom of worship and belief. It is wrong to try and take away somebody’s faith in God. I see this as a way to intimidate through fear And I choose not to fear as I am a Man of Faith.

I see this as a wastage of time and resources for a public stunt but remember it comes with responsibility. If you choose not to believe that God exists, then it’s a lie, and that doesn’t change the fact that He does exist. We believe and He has proven Himself again and again. He is a Healer, and He will always be a Healer.

I am committed to continue to preach the gospel and to share our belief with those who believe what we believe. Miracles may seem impossible but they do happen. And God is continuing to confirm His Word with signs and wonders where The Kingdom Church is concerned and where myself, Bishop Climate, is concerned. I want to reassure all our members, partners, and our hundreds of thousands of supporters that this too shall pass away and The Lord God who is above all other powers shall fight all our battles. This Battle is not ours, but it is the Lord’s and Victory Is Ours in Jesus Name.

And they drove out many unclean spirits and anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. (Mark 6:13)

Thank you

Right Rev Dr Climate Wiseman PhD
Bishop of The Kingdom Church 

93 Camberwell Station Road

London SE5 9JJ

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