5 Reasons You Should Attend

Since I began holding this powerful service years ago, thousands have witnessed and experienced the life-changing results as financial and spiritual chains have been broken out of their lives. Abundance is your Birthright and it's Time you Start Enjoying it!


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5 Reasons You Should Attend

Since I began holding this powerful service years ago, thousands have witnessed and experienced the life-changing results as financial and spiritual chains have been broken out of their lives. Abundance is your Birthright and it's Time you Start Enjoying it!

Miracle Money 

Debt - Cancellation

Removal Of Bad Luck 

Financial Prosperity

Career Breakthrough

Business Breakthrough

Hear From Recent Attendees

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

“I had a debt of £26,000 that was completely wiped off after attending this service.”

Luke KimaniLuke KimaniCEO & Founder

“After anointing my hands I went and bought a scratch ticket. I won £1000!”

Irene DavisIrene DavisNurse

Since anointing my hands, I have been getting discounts everywhere. My mechanic bill was £309 but i only paid £36!”

Jane AkelloJane AkelloStudent London

“I received a tax rebate of £1750 shortly after anointing my hands!”

Naome SkattNaome SkattManager

“After struggling for a long time to find a job, I received an offer immediately after attending the AOH service, it was the very next day!”

James HallJames HallPublications specialist

“I was fighting a fine in court after anointing my hands at TKC. The original fine was for £10,000 but they reduced it to just £200!”

Ganghi RalwaGanghi RalwaSoftware engineer

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More Testimonies !!!

Debt Cancellation Miracle

Favour With Her Car

Miracle On The Hands 

It's your decision to start

The Story Behind This Amazing Service

Many years ago the Lord began to teach me the importance on the anointing of hands….  What is it that is so important about your hands? You know very well that the single piece of information that is used most often to identify somebody is their fingerprints, for nobody in the entire world has the same set of fingerprints as you… they are what carry your identity. But everything physical has a spiritual counterpart. Just like your hands carry your physical DNA, they also carry your SPIRITUAL DNA.  ??

What do I mean by spiritual DNA? I mean that if I was to do a scan of your spiritual fingerprints, it would give me an accurate account of your identity. Your financial identity, your health identity, your marital identity, your spiritual identity, etc.  Even the people that use the powers of darkness know this, that is why they have palm-readers that can interpret your destiny by reading your hands or by scanning your fingerprints.  And when God began teaching me this many years ago, He showed me how many Christians' financial situation has to do with the state of their hands. Many people have curses of bad luck put on their hands so that everything they touch turns to dirt, everything they touch begins to wither, no matter how hard they work their labour does not produce the desired result because their hands are cursed.  But Deuteronomy 28:8 says “The Lord will put a blessing on everything you put your hand to”.

??Many years ago God showed me the power behind this scripture when I was in Kenya for a crusade. And I called up one woman for prayer. When I looked at her, I could tell that she was a poor poor woman. Ragged clothes and shoes almost falling apart, but God spoke to me and told me to anoint her hands and to break every curse of bad luck out of her life. I did that, and the woman came and put a seed in my hand. I didn't even want to take it because I felt bad for her but I did not allow my own feelings to hinder what God was doing in her life. 

??A year later I was visiting the same town for a crusade when a lady out of nowhere interrupted me while I was preaching. 

??“Man of God, you don't remember me but I remember you! Last year you anointed my hands during this crusade. And I need to tell you my story. You did not know that before you came last year I had been struggling my entire life. I had been selling vegetables on the local bus stops when tourists came. Many times I tried to open up a business, but things always failed. It seemed the harder I worked, the worse it became. But after you anointed my hands, something changed. I began working hard selling my vegetables. I tried opening up a mini kiosk by the roadside like I had done many times before, only this time it worked! Things began to go well for me.. I began working very hard and soon I was able to open up a mini-supermarket. Things just continued to get better and better. Customers were coming from every direction, my sales increased each day. So man of God I continued to work even harder, and soon I was able to open up a supermarket. Now as we speak I own 5 supermarkets in the 5 major cities of this country. Before you came and prayed for me, I had never been out of my village, but since then i have been to South Africa, I have been to China, and I have been to Dubai. Also you didn't know but I was the one that paid your plane ticket for you to come here so that others could receive the same blessing like me……” ??

This woman only knew struggle from the day she came from her mother's womb… but the moment her hands were anointed, every curse of bad luck was broken out of her life. Her spiritual identity was changed, her spiritual dna was renewed. That is why I have held this service every single month since then and thousands of lives have been transformed as a result of it.


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